Intentionally Made

For You created my inmost being; You knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Your works are wonderful, I know that full well. – (Psalm 139:13-14, NIV)

You formed the way I think and feel. You put me together in my mother’s womb. I praise You because You made me in such a wonderful way. I know how amazing that was! – (Psalm 139:13-14, ERV)

For You shaped me, inside and out. You knitted me together in my mother’s womb long before I took my first breath. I will offer You my grateful heart, for I am Your unique creation, filled with wonder and awe. You have approached even the smallest details with excellence; Your works are wonderful; I carry this knowledge deep within my soul. – (Psalm 139:13-14, VOICE)

It is a good reminder that we were created on purpose and with a purpose, and that God planned out each detail of who we are for a reason. In fact, the example set before us is to praise and thank the Lord for how He made us. There are no exceptions to this. The way that we each were made is wonderful, and for that, we ought to praise Him. What we consider our “flaws” may be the very thing that helps us connect with someone else so that they may be encouraged and built up, and shown the goodness of God. My mom did an amazing job of telling me and my sister that our red hair was a gift from God. In fact, when I was still quite young, a lady in a grocery store asked me where I got my pretty red hair. Apparently I looked at her as if it were the silliest question ever, and confidently told her, “from God.” She smiled and went on her way. As we age, our bodies change and it can be easy to become discouraged and frustrated. This passage is our reminder that He made us, and rather than being annoyed with the changes we dislike, we ought to care well for the temple so that we are as strong and healthy as possible. In the same way we need to nourish our soul, so too we ought to nourish our bodies. As we are fueled well, both body and soul, we discover the strength and goodness in all that His hands have made and we are better able to praise Him in all things. May we ever seek the Lord to lead us in His love, and give Him praise for the way that He purposely made each of us.

With purpose we’re made,

each detail He planned;

the work of His hands,

so in Him we’d stand.

All of our being,

was designed by Him;

heart, mind and body,

and soul that’s within.

There’s only one you,

and only one me;

purposefully made,

to live, love and be.

So let us seek Him,

and give Him our praise;

and choose to love well,

throughout all our days.

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You that we are each uniquely and wonderfully made. Thank You for the work of Your hands that formed us before we took our first breath. Thank You for life and for purpose, for You made each of us to live and love well. Forgive us for the times that we fixate on our flaws or shortcomings instead of praising You for what we have. Teach us to care well for what we have and to praise You as we live and love the way that You intended. Lead us in Your goodness and grace to be a light and love to those around us each day. May many come into a lasting relationship with You. Be glorified O God, as we praise You for the way that You designed us and for the purpose You placed on each of our lives. Amen.

© Shannon Elizabeth Grabrick and Revelations in Writing, May 2011 – present

Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own, you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies. – 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

Love Does Not Keep Score

(Love) It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. – (1 Corinthians 13:5, NIV)

Love is not rude, it is not selfish, and it cannot be made angry easily. Love does not remember wrongs done against it. – (1 Corinthians 13:5, ERV)

Love is never rude, crude, or indecent – it’s not self-absorbed. Love isn’t easily upset. Love doesn’t tally wrongs. – (1 Corinthians 13:5, VOICE)

To understand what God’s love is like, it helps to understand what it is not. Love is not rude is an excellent reminder, for there are times, when I feel an offense, my default is sarcasm. Selfishness is the opposite of love, for such motives prevent others from knowing the love that God intended for them through us. Love does not anger easily, for it is patient and kind. A short fuse explodes into anything but love. Lastly, love does not keep score. When we are offended, wronged, hurt, or frustrated by another, we must not hold onto the offense. Our charge is to forgive again and again, not to keep score. God is intentional in this, for when we hold onto or keep track of offenses, we are the ones harmed by the hurt, not the offender. Additionally, all of us are human and bound to do or say something that irritates, offends, or hurts others. In the same way that we would want to be forgiven, we too, must forgive. Yes, there are circumstances where we must leave or cut off someone who is repeatedly and intentionally bringing harm through their words or deeds, but we still are called to forgive, even if it is from a distance. Close friendships, family relationships, and marriage must operate in forgiveness that does not keep score. I am grateful for a spouse who is quick to both forgive and apologize, as it makes it far easier to let go of frustration quickly and continue to choose to walk in love. May we ever seek the Lord to lead us in His love, for He keeps no record of wrongs when we repent and ask to be forgiven. Our charge is to do the same.

Love does not keep score,

One of my favorite photos of us, as it demonstrates love that is gentle and kind. ❤ (Photo by Open Doors Photography)

instead it is free;

free to choose forgive,


Love’s always a choice,

not selfish or rude;

preferring others,

as we’re called to do.

Love’s slow to anger,

where patience abounds;

only by God’s grace,

is such a love found.

So, keep seeking God,

for love’s His design;

He’ll lead and guide us,

with His love in mind.

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You that You are love. Thank You that Your love is our example and the way that You designed each of us to operate throughout all of our days. Forgive us for the times that we have been rude, selfish, easily angered, or have kept a record of wrongs. Teach us Your ways to love, for they are generous, gracious, patient, kind, and abundant. Lead us in Your love to love one another. May many come into a lasting relationship with You. Be glorified O God, as we seek You to remind us what love is and what it is not, and to remember to never keep score. Amen.

© Shannon Elizabeth Grabrick and Revelations in Writing, May 2011 – present

Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. – Philippians 4:5

Power to Love

“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses, telling people about Me everywhere – in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” – (Acts 1:8, NLT)

“But the Holy Spirit will come on you and give you power. You will be My witnesses. You will tell people everywhere about Me – in Jerusalem, in the rest of Judea, in Samaria, and in every part of the world.” – (Acts 1:8, ERV)

“Here’s the knowledge you need: you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you. And you will be My witnesses, first here in Jerusalem, then beyond to Judea and Samaria, and finally to the farthest places on earth.” – (Acts 1:8, VOICE)

These were the last words that the disciples heard from Jesus before He ascended into heaven. His words were their assurance that they would be equipped for all He had called them to do. Incredibly, the same remains true today. For as we ask and wait on the Lord, He comes and equips us with the wisdom and power that we need to do what He has called us to do. No matter what we do as an occupation, we are each called to represent Jesus wherever we go and in all that we do. For me, I am acutely aware of my need for His Spirit to be with me. My own short-comings are evident, and without Him, I fall short every time. However, He is gracious and kind and is quick to forgive when we repent and ask for His help. This morning, one of our dogs, who is always up early and had already been fed and was watching out the window, while the other, who lounges longer, came upstairs to join us and was clearly ready to be fed. As I was preparing her food, Thor somehow pulled the calendar off of the wall and took it to his favorite spot and was starting to shred it. I was very frustrated and reacted in anger, and was yelling at him as I got him to drop it and get it placed out of reach. Of course I felt bad, and in a matter of moments, he brought his ball to me to toss for him, caught it, and then returned to his usual spot next to me on the couch with his ball. It was his way of saying he was sorry and that he was not upset with me for being angry. God’s love for us is even greater, and His desire is for all to come to know His love. As we seek Him and follow after Him, He equips us to make His love evident wherever we go. The more we love, the more His heart is made tangible to those around us.

The power to love,

is given to us;

as we seek the Lord,

to love like Jesus.

It’s by His Spirit,

we know God with us.

The more we know Him,

the more we should share;

the love He’s given,

and His tender care.

For it is through love,

that His heart’s made known;

through experience,

love’s seeds have been sown.

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You that Jesus’ final words before ascending into heaven were those that tell us we will be equipped and empowered by Your Holy Spirit to do what we are called to do. Thank You that for all that You ask, You also empower. Forgive us for the times that we react in our own strength rather than seek You to respond. Help us ever seek You to lead us in all that we say and do. Teach us how to answer the call that You have placed in our lives. Show us how to love one another in ways that make Your goodness and grace tangible. May many come into a lasting relationship with You. Be glorified O God, as we seek You to lead us, guide us, equip and empower us so that we walk in Your ways and do Your will. Amen.

© Shannon Elizabeth Grabrick and Revelations in Writing, May 2011 – present

And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ. – Ephesians 3:17b-18

Fend Off Sin and Do Good

Turn away from evil and do what is good; seek peace and pursue it. – (Psalm 34:14, HCSB)

Stop doing anything evil, and do good. Look for peace, and do all you can to help people live peacefully. – (Psalm 34:14, ERV)

Turn your back on sin; do something good. Embrace peace – don’t let it get away! – (Psalm 34:14, MSG)

Sometimes doing good is walking away from a fight that is tempting, and choosing to only engage when kindness can be extended. Our charge is to seek peace, not get sucked into petty disputes. The best way to do this is to pursue God and His will. Often, when I begin to get angry or frustrated with someone, God stops me in my tracks and I find myself asking Him to show me His heart for them. What I have discovered each time that I have done so, there is a softening in me toward the other. Usually, I discover that the very behavior that got under my skin, was motivated by their own hurts. Does it make it right? No, but it does provide compassion and the capacity to respond gently with goodness and kindness. This is a lifelong process to pursue, not a one-and-done in a tough space. May we ever seek the Lord to help us stop doing the things we ought not do, and do the good that He calls us into. In the process, may we find His peace and embrace it.

Turn from temptation,

To do what’s not right;

Demean or put down,

Jump into a fight.

Instead, seek the Lord,

Allow Him to lead;

Choose extend the good,

That His word decrees.

Embrace the Lord’s peace,

As it enters in;

For as we listen,

We fend away sin.

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You that You are good, loving and a promoter of peace. Thank You that as we seek You, You give us Your heart for others and help us turn away from the sin that so easily entangles us. Forgive us for allowing our pride to get the better of us so that we walk into a war that need not be waged. Show us Your heart for those around us so that we might see them through Your eyes. Lead us to extend goodness and kindness to those around us as we embrace Your perfect peace. May many come into a lasting relationship with You. Be glorified O God, as we walk away from the sin that attempts to creep in, and lead us to embrace Your peace as we seek You to do the good that we have been called to do. Amen.

© Shannon Elizabeth Grabrick and Revelations in Writing, May 2011 – present

If your brother or sister in God’s family does something wrong, go and tell them what they did wrong. Do this when you are alone with them. If they listen to you, then you have helped them to be your brother or sister again. – Matthew 18:15

Take Joy in the Journey

For You make me glad by Your deeds, Lord; I sing for joy at what Your hands have done. How great are Your works, Lord, how profound Your thoughts! – (Psalm 92:4-5, NIV)

No wonder I’m so glad; I can’t keep it in! Lord, I’m shouting with glee over all You’ve done for me: what mighty miracles and Your power at work – just to name a few! Depths of purpose and layers of meaning saturate everything You do. – (Psalm 92:4-5, TPT)

Because You, O Eternal One, thrill me with the things You have done, I will sing with joy in light of Your deeds. Your works are marvelous, O Eternal One! Your thoughts are unfathomable. – (Psalm 92:4-5, VOICE)

Each new day, we have a choice – we can either focus on our struggles, or we can take joy in the faithfulness of God. Some days, this is more difficult than others. This morning as I woke from a very restless night’s sleep, I found myself frustrated and grumpy. It took little time to ponder how God has provided for what my heart has needed, and I could not help but smile and find myself aware of how God works on our behalf. God’s thoughts and plans are not our own, and He can use every test as a testimony. If I pause and reflect, there have been countless times that the Lord has taken my struggles and turned them into strengths, and He has turned my trials into triumphs. In the midst of my challenges, I must remember that God is faithful and is ever working on my behalf. He does a work in my heart as well, and leads me through whatever obstacle lies before me. The Lord is loving and kind, working mightily in us, before us, and through us, even in the moments that we are oblivious to how He might move. May we ever praise the Lord for His love and faithfulness, even when we cannot see how He will work things out.

The work of Your hands,

Is faithful and true;

You help and hold us,

As You lead us through.

My heart sings for joy,

At all You have done;

Our loving Father,

The Most Holy One.

Help us to reflect,

Remember with praise;

Your presence and help,

Miraculous ways.

Lead us with Your love,

When we cannot see;

How things will work out,

May we trust in Thee.

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You that You are loving and kind, and that Your ways are so much higher than our own. Thank You that You work on our behalf, and lead us through the deserts and valleys that are a part of our journey. Forgive us for not lifting praise when troubles come; for You are always worthy. Teach us to depend on You in faith, and to ever praise You for what You have done, are doing, and will continue to do. Show us how to love those around us in tangible ways that make Your heart evident to all. May many come into a lasting relationship with You. Be glorified O God, as we praise You for who You are and all that You have done, trusting that You will forever remain our faithful Father. Amen.

© Shannon Elizabeth Grabrick and Revelations in Writing, May 2011 – present

But let all who take refuge in You be glad; let them ever sing for joy. Spread Your protection over them, that those who love Your name may rejoice in You. – Psalm 5:11

Beautiful Unknown

As you do not know the path of the wind, or how the body is formed in a mother’s womb, so you cannot understand the work of God, the Maker of all things. – (Ecclesiastes 11:5, NIV)

You don’t know where the wind blows. And you don’t know how a baby grows in its mother’s womb. In the same way, you don’t know what God will do – and He makes everything happen. – (Ecclesiastes 11:5, ERV)

You can no more predict the path of the wind than you can explain how a child’s bones are formed in a mother’s womb. Even more, you will never understand the workings of the God who made all things. – (Ecclesiastes 11:5, VOICE)


Back during the times of King Solomon, when he scribed Ecclesiastes, there was no Doppler radar system, nor ultra sound; the discoveries made over the last century in technology were not even an inkling of an idea, and so, and that time, those were reasonably comparable things to the ways of God. In current times, it seems that the comparison would be more along the lines of knowing what this COVID-19 virus actually is, if an effective vaccination is possible, and if and when life might return to a non-shutdown state of existence. God can do incredible things, and we never know how He will move in any given situation. After walking through last year with my mom, I thought this year might be a breeze, in comparison. This separation is an equal sort of difficult. I cannot predict how it will go, nor when it will change. All I can do is trust God, who is far greater than every obstacle we face, and seek Him to be with us through this season too. In the same way that the Lord never left me, and was faithful to show me His nearness every step of the journey, (and still is doing so), I know that He remains present in our current circumstances and is walking us through the valleys so that we may reach the other side of this seemingly sordid space. God is faithful, even in our most difficult seasons. To honestly look at this current season, I cannot say it is all bad. More time with my boys is an absolutely gift, and the time to get a puppy and be present to bond and train him is blessing as well. Though we cannot predict or know how God will move and work in all things, we can be certain that He will move and He will work all things for good for those who love Him.


Though we do not know, Beautiful Unknown

All that lies in wait;

Nor why things take place,

The next that awaits.

For God’s ways are not,

The same as our own;


Beautiful unknown.

Though sometimes scary,

And not understood;

God’s ever working,

For ultimate good.


Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for the certainty of You, when everything else around us is uncertain. Thank You that though we cannot possibly know and understand all of Your ways, we can know Your heart and Your character; that You work all things out for the good of those who love You. Forgive us for our fear and doubt when we cannot figure out how things could possibly change, or find ourselves frustrated with timelines that do not align with our own. Teach us to trust Your ways and Your timing in all things. Show us how to love those around us in the waiting. May many come into a lasting relationship with You. Be glorified O God, as we trust You to bring good through all things. Amen.


© Shannon Elizabeth Grabrick and Revelations in Writing, May 2011 – present


“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.” – Jeremiah 29:11

All in Love

Do everything in love. – (1 Corinthians 16:14, NIV)

Let love prevail in your life, words, and actions. – (1 Corinthians 16:14, VOICE)

Let love and kindness be the motivation behind all that you do. – (1 Corinthians 16:14, TPT)


It is amazing how much better life goes when love is the motivation behind every word and deed. Though there are times that love feels like the farthest thing from what we want to extend, it is a choice. Last night, my Viking and I landed in Reno, shortly before midnight. His brother and the love of his life greeted us at the airport and handed off one of their vehicles, so that we would not have to rent one. They are early risers, so not only was the sacrifice of a vehicle an act of love, but the decision to stay up late and abandon opportunity for a full night’s sleep, also demonstrated a clear choice of love in action. When we arrived at our accommodations for the night, a lovely occasion to choose to speak and act in love, presented itself. Exhausted, the Viking and I quickly checked in and received our room keys. Upon arrival at our door, we soon discovered that the key cards did not work in the door to which they were assigned. Frustrated, we walked the quarter-mile back to the office with our things, with a less-than-loving attitude, only to communicate kindly to the gentleman who apologetically reprogrammed our room keys and sent us back to our room. Sadly, the keys still would not work. With even more aggravation, combined with the lack of sleep, I was not sure how it would go, as we walked back, yet again, to the office to remedy the situation. This time, Mark simply asked if we could please be placed in a different room, as it appeared that there was a problem with the lock on the other room’s door. The concierge obliged willingly, and we thanked him and were on our way. Sometimes love is found in what we choose to not say as well. We are grateful for the blessing of time with family, and the opportunity to love and be loved well. May we all seek our Heavenly Father for His strength and grace, so that we may go forth in love in every word and deed.


To love is a choice, 09061920511312738643123803600.jpg

We have all our days;

In word, thought and deed,

At work, home and play.

Each time that we choose,

To love and be kind;

We show the Lord’s heart,

For all of mankind.

Lord, help us to love,

To choose love like You;

Prefer each other,

Let Your light shine through.


Dear Heavenly Father, thank You that You call us to love. Thank You that You do not call us to anything that You are not also willing to equip and empower us to do. Thank You that You loved us first. Thank You for the gift of Your Holy Spirit that dwells in us and reminds us what it is to love in each circumstance we encounter. Forgive us for the times that we have chosen poorly and have not spoken or acted in love. Teach us to trust You more, so that we clearly reflect Your heart to the world. Show us how to love those around us in ways that communicate love to them best. May many come into a lasting relationship with You. Be glorified O God, as we seek You and love You, so that we may in turn love others too. Amen.


© Shannon Elizabeth Grabrick and Revelations in Writing, May 2011 – present


Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. – 1 Corinthians 13:4

Our Greatest Blessings

Children are a heritage from the Lord, offspring a reward from Him. – (Psalm 127:3, NIV)

Children are a gift from God; they are His reward. – (Psalm 127:3, TLB)

Children are God’s love-gift; they are heaven’s generous reward. – (Psalm 127:3, TPT)


My husband and I are abundantly blessed with three amazing boys between us. Earlier this month, the eldest, had his 19th birthday while I was still in Wenatchee with my mom. Upon my return, I apologized for having missed his birthday, and let him know that we would love to celebrate him still. He grinned and claimed that it wasn’t a big deal, yet I knew that he was delighted to be remembered. As he and I spoke about possibilities, we determined that a weekend in Vancouver, BC, would be wonderful. He, in his nineteen years, has never been out of the country, and has an enhanced driver’s license, so he is ready to go. Today, the weekend has finally arrived, and we are merely waiting for our hard-working young man to return home from work (he works graveyard shift) to begin our adventure. Not only is it a delight to celebrate this gift from God, but it is a joy to anticipate watching in wonder, as he takes in all things new. It never ceases to amaze me how blessed the giver ends up feeling in the process of anticipating and carrying out a planned adventure of blessings. I imagine it is but a glimpse of how God feels, as He blesses us with good things. He sees our needs and the desires of our hearts, and then orchestrates ways to surprise and delight us; His sons and daughters. May we ever give thanks to the Lord for the incredible gift of children that we have been given, for they truly are a treasure from heaven.


Our greatest blessings, img_2019-08-23_06-36-406737837867289030307.jpg

Come to us, so small;

They capture our hearts,

Not just part, but all.

Each milestone achieved,

Brings joy and delight;

Every tear shed,

Keeps us up at night.

With all that we are,

We love, hope and dream;

For every good gift,

To show what love means.


Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for the incredible gift and blessings that are found in our children. Thank You for the opportunity to celebrate and bless them, individually, so that they might gain a glimpse of how You see them. Forgive us for the times that we grow weary and frustrated with the gifts. Teach us to treasure our children and to show them the way to love like You. Help us to love those around us with a love like Yours. May many come into a lasting relationship with You. Be glorified O God, as we give You all of our gratitude for the gift You have given us in our children. Amen.


© Shannon Elizabeth Grabrick and Revelations in Writing, May 2011 – present


Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever. – 1 Chronicles 16:34

Our Hearts Are Heard

This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. – (1 John 5:14, NIV)

We can come to God with no doubts. This means that when we ask God for things (and those things agree with what God wants for us), God cares about what we say. – (1 John 5:14, ERV)

Since we have this confidence, we can also have great boldness before Him, for if we present any request agreeable to His will, He will hear us. – (1 John 5:14, TPT)


God amazes me with how He hears us, both audibly, and the very cries of our hearts. For me, since I have been home, there have been prayers met that were actually lifted, and then there have been those that were merely hidden hopes in my heart, that have been heard and honored by my Heavenly Father. One of the ways that my heart is filled best is through quality time with the people I love. After such an extended time away from home, it has been especially important to me to find time to spend with my family and friends before the school year begins again. Last week, I was able to take each of my boys back-to-school shopping, individually, and enjoy their company, one-on-one. I have been able to get some running in with my running bestie, and visits, walks and yes, even a run in, with my best friend too, as well as wonderful, ordinary, everyday life with my husband. Time together is such a blessing, and last evening, he took me back to the place where we had our very first date, three years ago. We sat at the same table, at nearly the same time of day. What a difference three years makes! Back then, I was so nervous, that I could not even lift my water glass without my hand shaking. That being said, Mark was able to set my heart and mind at ease, and made our first encounter light and enjoyable, as we began to learn more about one another. After he walked me out to my car and asked permission to call me to see me again, the nervousness had completely subsided, and I knew that there was something worth getting to know about this gentle giant. Nearly two years later we were married, and now, three years later, we have our first year of marriage under our belt with a lifetime to look forward to with joy. He too, was an answer to a prayer that I didn’t quite know how to pray. I knew that when the time came, I would need someone who could love me well, and that would appreciate being loved by me as well. God knew what we both needed, and fit us together perfectly. God hears and He answers when we ask Him according to His good and perfect will.

Yesterday, mom had a wonderful day of being celebrated well. The day began with my sister and her family taking mom to brunch, followed by a walk down by the river at a park nearby. The plan was to attend church after, but I did not catch whether or not that transpired or not, in our conversation last evening. Mom enjoyed the afternoon with the family, and was set up with some new technology to aid in the use of her tablet and cell phone. (Meg and family found holders for each that attach to mom’s chair so that she can use them while seated, one-handed) Their evening continued with my brother-in-love’s fantastic barbecue work for dinner, and a relaxing time enjoying one another. Our ask of the Lord this week is that God continues to settle mom’s heart and help all of them to find a routine so that each feels at ease and able to do what needs to be done. Change is challenging for all, but the grace of God is greater. We are trusting Him to be their peace and their Provider, as He leads them through each of the new that need be navigated this week.


Approach the Lord God, img_2019-08-19_05-40-231040012414498634990.jpg

In confidence, come;

All asked in His will,

Are heard and welcome.

For God knows our needs,

What blesses our hearts;

Place all in His hands,

As grace He imparts.

His goodness abounds,

As His love shall lead;

We will discover,

He’ll meet all our needs.


Dear Heavenly Father, thank You that because of Jesus, we can approach You with confidence, trusting that You hear our every prayer. Thank You that Your ways are higher than ours, and Your will is the only way we should go. Forgive us for the times that we find ourselves frustrated for the seemingly unanswered prayers, as You patiently wait for us to listen for Your will and way, or to recognize what the right answer really is. Thank You for loving us through our wandering. Teach us to seek and trust You more. Show us how to love those around us in ways that make Your goodness and grace tangible. May many come into a lasting relationship with You. Be glorified O God, as we love You and approach You with confidence, knowing that You will hear our every prayer that aligns with Your will. Amen.


© Shannon Elizabeth Grabrick and Revelations in Writing, May 2011 – present


I call on You, my God, for You will answer me; turn Your ear to me and hear my prayer. – Psalm 17:6

Ask for Answers

Call to Me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know. – (Jeremiah 33:3, NIV)

Call to Me, and I will answer you. I will tell you of great things, things beyond what you can imagine, things you could never have known. – (Jeremiah 33:3, VOICE)

Call to Me and I will answer you. I’ll tell you marvelous and wondrous things that you could never figure out on your own. – (Jeremiah 33:3, MSG)


I am not sure if it is the result of rest and a better night’s sleep, the reality of how short the time remaining in Wenatchee truly is, or if it is the enormity of my own gratitude for the safety and improving health of my loved ones. I know that is not everyone’s story, and I know that there are far too many grieving today in the wake of unnecessary tragedies across our nation. Though I know not the solution, God does. What I do know, is that we are called to love. Not just our family, friends and neighbors, but everyone. If we choose love, then perhaps we will recognize the hurt in others before it becomes too late. The call is daunting for sure, but if we choose kindness with one person at a time, it is far more manageable. Perhaps it is a matter of asking God to show us His heart for people. He sees and knows the heart. There is always a reason for words and actions that bring harm, and maybe, just maybe, the change we long to see in the world begins with us. In my own present circumstances, when I grow weary and frustrated, I ask God to show me what I need to know to be patient and kind. Usually, what comes the fastest, is the reminder of what it would be like for me if I suddenly lost my ability to do all of the things that I loved most, and had to rely on someone else for everything. The quick heart-check softens the edges of exhaustion quickly, and my love and resolve are renewed. May we continue to call on the Lord and ask Him for help, for He is faithful to show us what we need to know to navigate each day well.

As for mom, yesterday was a good day. Sleep wasn’t great, but we were able to rally anyway. After breakfast, showering, and some physical and occupational therapy exercises, mom determined that she was up for an outing. With a face-filling grin, my response was, “as you wish.” Driving along, following her directions, led us to the east side of town. A bit further along, she declared that she wanted to go to Macy’s. I was both pleased and shocked, as she has avoided stores, and really could use a few things that fit better. We ventured into the store and began looking around. She found a few things she liked downstairs, held them, and we took the elevator upstairs to search for an item or two more. The experience upstairs went well, and the fitting room had ample space for mom’s chair and the two of us so that she could actually try items on. Mom successfully found a few things that she really liked, and we headed to the checkout. It was such an encouragement to watch mom realize that she was okay getting out and participating in “normal” life again. From there, we of course went through Dutch Bros and then grabbed lunch at the Taco Time drive thru. All of the activity was a bit wearying, but mom did well and stayed up until bedtime. She did nod a little when we watched a movie in the afternoon, but had no desire to go lay down to rest. Hmmm… Wonder where I got that trait from?  Despite the hesitations and reservations about the unknowns that are yet to come for mom, I think the opportunity for her to part-take in and realize how much more she is able to do, are all part of what God is showing her to continue to prepare her heart for this next season.

May we ever seek the Lord, who is faithful to answer, to show us the things that we do not know or understand on our own.


O Lord God of love, fb_img_15572013665455142348901490916085.jpg

May we ever seek;

Your heart to show us,

Truth, when all seems bleak.

Out of the darkness,

Your love light can shine;

Transforming ashes,

To beauty, divine.

Show us the unknown,

The things we can’t grasp;

So we may love well,

Honor all You ask.


Dear Heavenly Father, thank You that You show us the things that we do not know when we ask You. Thank You that You give us wisdom and insight so that we may love the way that we have been created to love. Forgive us for neglecting to seek You in the spaces where we lack understanding. Teach us to trust You more, so that we would always ask You for wisdom and guidance and insight. Above all, show us how to love those around us well. May many come into a lasting relationship with You. Be glorified O God, as we seek You for understanding, as You already have the answers we need ask. Amen.


© Shannon Elizabeth Grabrick and Revelations in Writing, May 2011 – present


A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. – John 13:34