Help Us to See

Now I know that the Lord is greater than all the gods, they thought they were in control, but look what God did! – (Exodus 18:11, ERV)

Now I know with all my heart that the Eternal is greater than all gods because of the way He delivered His people when Egyptians in their arrogance abused them. – (Exodus 18:11, VOICE)


These words were spoken to Moses by his father-in-law, Jethro, after Moses led his people out of captivity in Egypt. Like so many of us, Jethro needed something solid to see to truly believe. The very same God that led Moses to set the captives free from slavery in Egypt, is still alive and active today. When we seek Him and call on His Name, He moves mightily on our behalf. Though Moses never had aspirations to lead the masses out of Egypt, God showed up and called him to something great. If we are willing to ask the Lord and believe in faith, there is no limit to what He will do. God is not like man that His ego will be bruised if we ask for Him to make Himself known to us in a tangible way. Our asking demonstrates our desire to know Him. The Lord is loving and kind and full of grace, and His hope is for all to one day seek His face. May we ever ask in spaces of uncertainty, and keep our eyes and hearts open to the everyday miracles as God moves all around us.


At times we need see, Healed Hands Reach Out

The hand of the Lord;

Power tangible,

All grace He affords.

For though we need faith,

It too helps to see;

The movement of God,

To help us believe.

Oh Lord, by Your love,

Make Your heart be known;

So people seeking,

In Your grace, find home.


Dear Heavenly Father, thank You that You make Yourself known in tangible ways. Thank You that You have moved mightily throughout the ages. Thank You that we can come to You and ask to see You move in ways that are visible to our human eyes. Forgive us for our lack of faith or for our blind eyes to the work of Your hand that is all around us. Teach us to trust You more, so that we would recognize the countless miracles that take place all around us, and have faith in all that we cannot see. Show us how to love those around us in a way that gives hope and grace and peace where it is lacking. May many come into a lasting relationship with You. Be glorified O God, as we ask for evidence of the things that we are unsure about, and give You praise for the faith that You grow greater in us each day. Amen.


© Shannon Elizabeth Moreno and Revelations in Writing, May 2011 – present


They will celebrate Your abundant goodness and joyfully sing of Your righteousness. – Psalm 145:7

A Heritage of Faithfulness

The Lord is my strength. He saves me, and I sing songs of praise to Him. He is my God, and I praise Him. He is the God of my ancestors, and I honor Him. – (Exodus 15:2, ERV)


Just after the Israelites had passed through the parted Red Sea to safety, and watched the seas cover the Egyptian army that pursued them, these words were theirs, as they recognized, celebrated and honored God for His faithfulness to lead them out of the space of slavery where they had been bound for far too long. God does the same for us today. He comes close and provides what we need as it is needed, and will be our strength to lead us to safety from the places that we have been stuck. For me, I am blessed to have a rich heritage of faithful followers of Christ. I specifically remember both my paternal great-grandmother and her gentle, kindness to all, and my maternal grandmother, who at ninety-six, is still light, life and love to all whom she meets. She is the one whom I most admire, and if I live my life half as well as she has and still is living hers, the words, “Well done, good and faithful servant,” will surely be heard when my days are done. For all of these things and more, I sing and give God all of my praise. No matter what comes, He is the reason to give thanks. My hope lies not in the here and now, but in that which is yet to come. I know that I only see in part, the fullness of what lies before me. God has purpose and plans for all who love and follow Him. May we rise up and remember who is our source of strength, giving Him all honor and praise as we pursue His ways.


The Lord is my strength,Compassion in Confrontations

my reason to sing;

my Savior and hope,

all help, He does bring.

For He is my God,

I give Him my praise;

for His faithfulness,

throughout all my days.

A rich heritage,

of following Christ;

granted unto me,

His grace has sufficed.

May I do the same,

for my next of kin;

show them God’s great love,

so faith enters in.


Dear Heavenly Father, thank You that You are our strength. Thank You that You save us and give us reason to sing praise unto You. Thank You that You are our God. Thank You for those who have gone before us and set an example of faithfully following You, for it is through their faithfulness that we have found our way unto You. Forgive us for not giving You the praise and honor that You deserve, and help us to honor and praise You with every word we speak and everything we do. Let our very lives give glory unto You. Show us how to love others as You have loved us, so that future generations will have a solid example through us, of what it is to live a life devoted to You. May many come into a lasting relationship with You. Be glorified O God, as we trust in Your strength to do Your will, and give You all praise as we go. Amen.

© Shannon Elizabeth Moreno and Revelations in Writing, May 2011 – present.

Let the heavens rejoice, let the earth be glad. – 1 Chronicles 16:31


Firm in Freedom

It is for freedom that Christ has set us free.  Stand firm then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. – (Galatians 5:1)

                                                                                                                                                                Christ came so that we would no longer bear the burden of having to attempt to follow the letter of the law and make sacrifices for our every sin, reminding us that we would NEVER measure up.  In Christ, we are covered, and can rise up with courage, knowing that we are forgiven and free, ready to go forth and love well, because all of the sin and shame that would have once hindered us, is gone.  No more do we have to fear our getting it wrong, but rather we can rely on our Redeemer to help us get it right.  A few verses later in Chapter five of Galatians, Paul goes on to say that “The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love.” – (Galatians 5:6b)  As we trust Christ, His love is made evident in how we live.  May we stand firm in our freedom in Christ and go forth allowing His love to flow freely through us.
                                                                                                                                                             It is for freedom,Glory to God
that Christ set us free;
He removed the yoke,
of sin’s slavery.
As we choose embrace,
in faith, what He gives;
His love freely flows,
each day that we live.
May we each rise up,
in faith, choose love well;
extending Christ’s hope,
all glory to tell.
                                                                                               Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for sending Your Son to set us free from the yoke of slavery to sin and shame, and to the burdens that we could never bear.  Jesus, thank You for living a sinless life, so that You could take all of our sin and shame upon Yourself and make the way to set us free from the burden that we were meant to bear.  Forgive us for thinking that we have to do or be enough to somehow earn Your favor, and help us to embrace the forgiveness and grace that You give, so that we will rise up and stand firm in the freedom that You have granted.  Teach us to trust You more, so that we may hold fast to our faith in You.  Let our faith fuel a free flow of love to others, just as You so generously love each of us.  May many come into a lasting relationship with You.  Be glorified O God, as we stand firm in our freedom from You, moving forward to love well by faith.  Amen.
                                                                                                                                                                      © Shannon Elizabeth Moreno and Revelations in Writing, May 2011 – present.
Answer me, O Lord, out of the goodness of Your love; in Your great mercy turn to me. – Psalm 69:16

Be the Change

Injustices are everywhere, we simply need open our eyes and look around us to see suffering that need not be present. There is homelessness, abuse, hunger and human trafficking, and those are but a few out our own front door. The needs are far beyond what one person could conquer, however, if we do nothing, change will never occur. As I continue my book study, Undaunted, by Christine Caine, one of her passions is to help fight human trafficking. She goes far beyond sympathy for the suffering, as Caine goes into the places of known need, and seeks to save those stuck in the shackles of slavery. Her heart is for healing and restoring the victims to wholeness, and she works tirelessly to help establish safety nets for victims once they have been rescued.


27 million are in bondage around the globe. That number is staggering. The average age of trafficking victims is twelve, nearly the same age as my own precious progeny. Only 1-2% of victims are ever rescued. That means that 98-99% of those twelve-year-olds, are trapped in bondage until the day they die… (Statistics from


So what are we to do? When Jesus saw an injustice, He walked toward it, not away from it. When He found out there were merchants misusing the temple and keeping the Gentiles from worshiping, He did not sit idly by. On reaching Jerusalem, Jesus entered the temple area and began driving out those who were buying and selling there. He overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of those selling doves, and would not allow anyone to carry merchandise through the temple courts. – (Mark 11:15-16)


If Jesus responded that way to defiling the temple with extortion, imagine how He would respond to human lives being bartered… Our charge is to do something. We are not all called to go into the dark and scary spaces and rescue the captured. However, there are numerous roles to fill. We can pray. We can support. We can educate. We can advocate. We can protect. We can prevent and we can partner with those who are called to go and reach right into the lives that would have otherwise been lost, and be a part of the change. May we each give ear to God’s heart, so that we hear clearly what He would have us do.


Change only happens,Be the Change

when people choose rise;

to stand up and fight,

to open blind eyes.

Awareness becomes,

the mightiest sword;

striking injustice,

as lives are restored.

May we be the change,

that sees and then acts;

let’s go forth in love,

our fire to fight back.


Dear Heavenly Father, thank You that You see and know all of the injustice in the world, and that not one is lost from Your sight. Thank You that You are greater than the ugliness and evil that permeates society. Thank You that in You, we can be the change that ends injustice for individuals everywhere. Thank You that even one life rescued and restored is reason for rejoicing. Forgive us for shying away from injustices we see, and help us to take things head on, just as Jesus did. Teach us to trust You more, so that we will hear Your specific instructions for us, individually, as You have a specific role for each of us to play. Help us to know what we are meant to do, and then grant us the strength and the courage to obey. Lead us to love others more than we ever thought possible, just as You love us. May many who are trapped in captivity – be it physically, emotionally or spiritually – be set free and find life everlasting in You. Be glorified Lord God, as we seek to be the change that You are calling us to be. Amen.

© Shannon Elizabeth Moreno and Revelations in Writing, May 2011 – present.

He who refreshes others will himself be refreshed. – Proverbs 11:25

Intended for Good

Joseph’s story is one of great faithfulness and forgiveness. Despite Joseph having been sold into slavery by his brothers, he chose to trust God, and remained faithful in each situation he found himself in. It was evident each time injustice or false accusations befell him, that Joseph did not get angry, bitter, nor hold a grudge. Each time, he opted to forgive and focus on what God was asking of him in his present circumstance, no matter how dismal it appeared. Ultimately, Joseph’s faithfulness resulted in his rise to second only to the Pharaoh, and what God had taught him through his trials,ended up preserving not only he and his extended family, but an entire nation.


After Joseph had reestablished relationship with his brothers and his father, his brothers became fearful once Jacob, their father died. But Joseph said to them, “Don’t be afraid. Am I in the place of God? You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives. So then, don’t be afraid. I will provide for you and your children.” And he reassured them and spoke kindly. – (Genesis 50:19-21)


Not only did Joseph forgive his brothers who had sold him into slavery, but he reassured and spoke to them with kindness. Joseph modeled the very same sort of grace and forgiveness that God affords us, though we deserve it not. May we receive what Christ freely gives, and go forth and offer the very same grace to all those who surround us.


Despite harm’s intent,MSH29

God used it for good;

by trusting the Lord,

his heart understood.

Though likely unknown,

the number of tests;

his faith still remained,

in He who grants rest.

For Joseph, he knew,

the Lord’s faithfulness;

through times of trials,

and seasons of rest.

His faith remained strong,

no matter what came;

for He knew that God,

would triumph and reign.

May each one of us,

have faith as he had;

no matter what comes,

trust our Holy Dad.


Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for the example of unwavering faithfulness presented through Joseph, despite the many trials that he endured. Thank You that it is obvious to see Your faithfulness as he was faithful. Thank You too for such a remarkable story of forgiveness and redemption. Forgive us for our unforgiveness or our lack of faithfulness when things get difficult. Teach us to trust You more, even in the most dire of circumstances. Lead us to love others as Joseph loved his brothers – with kindness and graciousness, no matter what has been done unto us. May many come into a saving relationship with You, Lord, as they come to understand who You are, and how You love and forgive by Your glorious grace. Be glorified, O God, as we seek to love and forgive as You love and forgive each of us. Amen.

© Shannon Elizabeth Moreno and Revelations in Writing, May 2011 – present.

I thank and praise You, O God of my fathers: You have given me wisdom and power. – Daniel 2:23

Set Free

For ALL have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified freely by His grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus. – (Romans 3:23-34)


Sin is any and every word, thought and deed that goes against what God has intended for us. Unkind thoughts toward another separate us from God just as much as murder. According to His word, ALL sin cuts us off from our holy God, leading to death. However, because of what Jesus chose to do on the cross, ALL can be forgiven.


God judges us through the lens of His Son, Jesus; and we are therefore justified, declared NOT GUILTY, as every charge against us has been nailed to the cross that He already bore. As we ask for forgiveness, God removes our sin and wipes our record clean, as if we have never sinned. What a joy His justification is to all who believe!


Redemption is a reference to being set free from slavery. For all who are in Christ, that is exactly what has been done. Christ has redeemed us from a life enslaved to sin, and set us free to follow Him; to live a life in the light of His glorious grace.


Miserable mess,Set Free

until we are found;

lost and all alone,

by sin we were bound.

Then one lovely day,

in a moment’s time;

we met our Savior,

Who forgave our crime.

He took each poor choice,

and cast it away;

came into our hearts,

where He’s promised stay.

All guilt was removed,

now covered with grace;

granted a new start,

for each day to face.

May my life bring praise,

in all that I do;

each word, thought and deed,

grant glory to You.


Dear Heavenly Father, thank You that despite our short-comings and our sinfulness, You love. Thank You for sending Your Son to take our place, as He justified and redeemed us from all that kept us from You. Jesus, thank You for carrying the horrendous weight of our burdens, so that we could enter into an eternal relationship with You. Forgive us for holding ourselves or anyone else to a standard other than that which You set before us, and help us to forgive, as we too are forgiven. May many come to know the joy of being justified and redeemed through Your salvation, and may we extend Your love and grace to all whom we encounter. Be glorified as we live, love and forgive, as You have done for us. Amen.

© Shannon Elizabeth Moreno and Revelations in Writing, May 2011 – present.

Your righteousness reaches to the skies, O God, You who have done great things. 

Who, O God, is like You? – Psalm 71:19

Intended for Obedience

Throughout Leviticus, the letter of God’s law is laid out.  In the midst of their time of wandering in the desert, where Moses and the masses of Jewish people had been set free from slavery in Egypt, God gave the people specific instructions as to how He wanted them to live, so that they could be set apart, dedicated unto Him.  Initially, it may seem to be a list of “thou shall nots“, and the “thou musts“, but upon closer investigation, the heart of the matter is that God desires our obedience.  He wants our hearts turned toward His, and knows that we must remove the obstacles that keep us from focusing our hearts on Him.  As we choose to listen and obey, walking out our days in obedience, He blesses us with His provision, protection, and His permanent presence in our very being.

“If you follow my decrees and are careful to obey my commands, I will send you rain in its season, and the ground will yield its crops and the trees of the field  their fruit.” – (Leviticus 26:3-4)  He goes on to speak of safety, favor and freedom that will be provided for those who choose to follow Him. (see verses 6-13) His heart is for us, and He knows our need for guidance to find and follow Him.

Christ’s sacrifice ended the old law, as He was the ultimate sacrifice, once and for all, through whom all sins are forgiven.  However, we should not ever take that sacrifice for granted.  The beauty of Levitical law was the intense awareness of the cost of sin.  Imagine having to take an unblemished animal before the priest, only to watch it die, knowing that it should have been you.  Perhaps we can gain a bit of perspective if we remember to look to the cross, and recognize that each time we sin, we have gone against what God has intended for us, and we drive a nail into the sinless hands, hanging on our behalf.  On the brighter side, Christ conquered death.  He rose again, ascended into heaven, and sent His Holy Spirit, so that we would have a constant companion to help lead us and guide us for all of our days.  We need only invite Him in, and His presence will remain with us forever.  May we listen well, as He asks us to love God, and love people, just as He has loved us.

Obedience,Intended for Obedience

living sacrifice;

what we may give,

as we recognize.

He wants our hearts,

let us give Him all;

with gratitude,

as we hear His call.

Let our hearts hold,

His astounding grace;

may we serve well,

’til we see His face.

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You that we no longer have to live by the letter of the Levitical law, yet thank You for showing us the purpose was to provide Your people with the path to stay pure before You.  Thank You for sending Jesus, and for the gift of grace that we may now embrace because of His great sacrifice.  Forgive us for not recognizing the severity of Your sacrifice on our behalf, and help us to be aware of just how great the cost, as we face the choice as to whether or not to choose Your will.  Teach us to be ever aware of Your still small voice, and always willing to walk in obedience to whatever You ask.  Lead us to love as we are loved, and may many come into a saving relationship with You, our Redeemer.  Be exalted, O God.  Amen.

© Shannon Elizabeth Moreno and Revelations in Writing, May 2011 – present.

Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

– Psalm 23:6