Our Strength and Help

But You, Lord, don’t be far away. My strength, come quickly to help me. – (Psalm 22:19, HCSB)

Lord, don’t leave me! You are my strength – hurry and help me! – (Psalm 22:19, ERV)

But You, O Eternal, stay close; O You, my help, hurry to my side. – (Psalm 22:19, VOICE)

If David, a mighty warrior who became a powerful king knew to call on the Lord to be his strength in times of trouble or weariness, how much more can we? God is faithful to be near, and He hears us as we call on His Name to be our help and our hope. The Lord strengthens us in our weariness, and remains present through all things. May we ever seek the Lord to be our help, hope and strength, for He is faithful in all things and at all times.

O Lord, be our strength,

Please ever be near;

Our help and our hope,

Who makes our paths clear.

Come quickly, O God,

We need strength and love;

Lead us forward well,

By Your grace above.

Show us Your kindness,

Direct all our ways;

Teach us what is best,

Throughout each new day.

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You that You are the help and hope that we can depend on. Thank You that You hear our cries for help and You sustain us with Your presence and love. Forgive us for our fears and doubts when our circumstances seem to be too much. Show us again how You love and help us in all things and at all times. Lead us to love and walk alongside one another well. May many come into a lasting relationship with You. Be glorified O God, as we call on You to be our strength and help throughout all our days. Amen.

© Shannon Elizabeth Grabrick and Revelations in Writing, May 2011 – present

The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in Him, and I am helped. Therefore my heart rejoiced, and I praise Him with my song. – Psalm 28:7

Who Are We?

Then King David went in and sat before the Lord and said, “Who am I, O Lord God, and what is my house, that You have brought me thus far?” – (2 Samuel 7:18, ESV)

Then King David went in and sat before the Lord and prayed, “Who am I, O Sovereign Lord, and what is my family, that You have brought me this far?” – (2 Samuel 7:18, NLT)

King David went in, took his place before God, and prayed: “Who am I, my Master God, and what is my family, that You have brought me to this place in life?” – (2 Samuel 7:18, MSG)


David had gone from being a faithful young shepherd boy in his father’s fields, to a good and powerful king, who was blessed and anointed by God. He had to endure many trials in between, yet recognized the faithfulness of God through it all. As he sat before God and prayed, he acknowledged in awe and wonder, how it is that God had granted him such kindness and favor. Though I am not in a seat of public power (nor would I want to be), I am the daughter of the Almighty King. When I look back, even over the last few years, I can ask the very same question that David asked: “Who am I, Lord God, and who is my family that You have brought us this far?” I am in awe at the faithfulness and goodness of God, and how He has provided and blessed and covered my boys and me. He has brought us love and laughter and life in places where such things had grown dim, and has provided all that we have needed and more. Verses like this one are a terrific reminder for us to slow down, take some time, and give thanks for the grace we’ve been given to carry us thus far. May we ever look to the Lord to be our help and hope, and give Him praise for the many blessings throughout our days.


O God, who are we, not-defined-by-a-day

That You would show care?

What glorious grace,

You lovingly share.

Lord God, as we seek,

In awe, we are found;

You lead us to life,

Show us to sure ground.

Always You are near,

Through our highs and lows;

Your love surrounds us,

And helps us to grow.


Dear Heavenly Father, thank You that You see each of us as Your children whom You dearly love. Thank You that though we know we do not deserve it, You give us grace and mercy, and lead us through our trials and bring us to places of blessing. Thank You that no matter where we are on our journey, You are faithful to be present as our Help and our Hope. Forgive us for not seeking You in the seasons we need You the most, or for not giving You glory where glory is due. Teach us to honor and praise You in all seasons and stages of life, as You are the One who gives us strength and hope to persevere and overcome. Show us how to love those around us in a way that helps others feel blessed and loved. May many come into a lasting relationship with You. Be glorified O God, as we remain in awe of all that You have done, and ever rely on You for what is yet to come. Amen.


© Shannon Elizabeth Moreno and Revelations in Writing, May 2011 – present


But because of His great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ. – Ephesians 2:4-5