Hope Now and Always

Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in Me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in Me will never die. Do you believe this?” – (John 11:25-26, NIV)

Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection. I am life. Everyone who believes in Me will have life, even if they die. And everyone who lives and believes in Me will never really die. Martha, do you believe this?” – (John 11:25-26, ERV)

“You don’t have to wait for the End. I am, right now, the Resurrection and Life. The one who believes in Me, even though he or she dies, will live. And everyone who lives believing in Me does not ultimately die at ll. Do you believe this?” – (John 11:25-26, MSG)

This was part of the conversation between Jesus and Martha before He raised Lazarus from the dead. Her understanding was limited to the hope she held in heaven, but then Jesus showed her even more of who He is and the power found in Him. With mere words, Jesus brought back to life the one who had died and gave a glimpse of the more that is found in Him. His words, “I am the Resurrection and the Life,” were made tangible in a new way for her and those who witnessed what transpired. The same God who raised Lazarus from the dead, is the One who provides us hope for all eternity. When we know Him and have a relationship with Him, we are promised life forever with Him both now and forevermore. This hope is so much more than “fire insurance”. Knowing God personally provides hope, help, power, peace, goodness and grace each moment that we draw breath. His nearness is promised, and His presence provides for all that we need to navigate each new day. May we ever seek the Lord anew each day, and trust in Him to be our life everlasting.

The power of God,

Not just in some day;

It’s ever-present,

To show us His way.

For Christ is our hope,

He’s more than enough;

He leads and guides us,

Through easy and tough.

His presence made known,

Through unexplained peace;

And love that surrounds,

As grace is released.

The Lord is our hope,

Both now and always;

Power and comfort,

Throughout all our days.

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You that our hope in You is not just for some day, but You are present to help us now and forever. Forgive us for our limited understanding that places parameters on what we think You can and cannot do. Thank You that You are so much more than we could hope or imagine. Teach us to press into You more and more, for it is in the knowing that our hope grows. Show us how to love those around us as You do, for it is Your love that gives light and life to all. May many come into a lasting relationship with You. Be glorified O God, as we praise You for the hope and help You provide each moment that we draw breath, and the promise we have in forever with You. Amen.

© Shannon Elizabeth Grabrick and Revelations in Writing, May 2011 – present

Guide me in Your truth and teach me, for You are God my Savior, and my hope is in You all day long. – Psalm 25:5

Life When All Seems Lost

When Mary came to where Jesus was and saw Him, she fell at His feet and told Him, “Lord, if You had been here, my brother would not have died!” – (John 11:32, HCSB)

May went to the place where Jesus was. When she saw Him, she bowed at His feet and said, “Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died.” – (John 11:32, ERV)

Mary approached Jesus, saw Him, and fell at His feet. “Lord, if only You had been here, my brother would still be alive.” – (John 11:32, VOICE)

There is so much to the story of Lazarus. Though he was the one that Jesus raised from four-days dead, his sister, Mary, was also a key player in the miracle that Jesus provided for people whom He loved. In her grief, Mary spoke to Jesus, acknowledging the power He held in preventing death, and honestly shared her frustration and sorrow that He had not arrived four days sooner. It was not an accusation nor placement of blame, but rather a statement of faith in her sadness. She knew that had Jesus been present, He would have healed her brother. Jesus, full of compassion for His dear friends, wept, and then asked them to take Him to the tomb where Lazarus was laid. Once there, He asked that the stone be rolled away, and then He called out to God to bring Lazarus forth from the grave. Lazarus, still wrapped in grave clothes, walked out of the tomb. For Mary, this miracle went even further beyond her hope of what Jesus could do. Despite witnessing the power of God to raise a man from being four-days in the grave, faith again would be blinded by grief a short time later when Jesus Himself was crucified, died and was buried in a tomb. I wonder if Mary held hope that Jesus might do for Himself what He had done for Lazarus? Incredibly, she was one of the women to whom Jesus appeared after He had risen. Imagine her faith and determination when Jesus told her to go and let the others know. For me, this is a reminder that no matter how far gone things seem to be, God can bring life back to hopes, dreams, promises, and more. He can do immeasurably more than we could hope or imagine. Mary wished that Jesus had been there sooner, yet He still did the impossible. We may hope for answers or direction sooner, yet God can do so much more in His time. May we ever seek the Lord in faith, trusting that He has compassion for us and will move in ways that are even better than we could hope or imagine as we wait and trust in Him.

In disappointment,

And times of sorrow;

We forget who holds,

All our tomorrows.

The very same God,

Who raised up the dead;

Can still move mountains,

Lifter of our heads.

He can restore hope,

Where all seems but lost;

Restore life to dreams,

We thought had been squashed.

Sometimes the answer,

Is not what we’d choose;

Yet there’s always more,

For His love renews.

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You that You restore life into hopes and dreams, even when we think that they are long dead. Thank You that You can do immeasurably more than we could hope or imagine. Forgive us for our faltering faith when things seem hopeless. Teach us to trust in You in all things and at all times, believing that You can do more than we could hope or imagine. Show us how to love those around us in ways that give life and hope and help where all seemed to be lost. May many come into a lasting relationship with You. Be glorified O God, as we call on You in faith to be our help and hope, and to bring life to that which seems lost. Amen.

© Shannon Elizabeth Grabrick and Revelations in Writing, May 2011 – present

I rise before dawn and cry out for help; I put my hope in Your word. – Psalm 119:147

Glimpses of God’s Glory

Jesus responded, “Didn’t I tell you that you would see God’s glory if you believe?” – (John 11:40, NLT)


Jesus spoke these words to Martha at the entrance to Lazarus’ tomb, just prior to raising him from the dead. Martha was more concerned with what the tomb might smell like than what the Savior was about to do. She was temporarily trapped in trusting the perceived truth that she could see, rather than the reality held in the power of her precious Savior.

It did not take long for her heart to be set right and her world to be flipped upside down. With but three words spoken, “Lazarus, come out!” Martha’s brother was returned to her as Jesus raised him from the dead, restoring him to life once again.

Though we seldom see Jesus work in the same way as He did in Lazarus, His awesome power is at work all around us. He restores the broken-hearted, heals the sick, provides for those in need, and places the lonely in families. The power of God is not limited to our perception of God. He can do exceedingly more than we could ever hope or imagine. We only get to see God’s glory when we choose to believe that He is who He says He is. May we lay hold of the faith that He imparts unto us, and believe big for the things that He has placed in our hearts. Let His glory be seen to the ends of the earth as we listen, love and get out of the way.


May we rise in faith,The Reason for Reverence

In trust, hold what’s true;

For the Lord is near,

His wonders anew.

God’s glory prepared,

For our eyes to see;

His grace and power,

As we are set free.

Choose to walk in faith,

To trust and believe;

Let every heart,

Invest and receive.


Dear Heavenly Father, thank You that when we believe and trust in You, we have the privilege of seeing how You move mightily on our behalf. Thank You that You give us glimpses of Your glory in our everyday walks of faith. Forgive us for our lack of faith or our fearfulness when all around us seems to be falling apart. Teach us to trust You in all things and at all times, despite how things appear, as You so often move the most miraculously when things seem to be at their worst. Show us how to love others well, and how to model a belief that points people unto You. May many come into a lasting relationship with You. Be glorified O God, as we believe in who You are and how You love. Amen.

© Shannon Elizabeth Moreno and Revelations in Writing, May 2011 – present

Listen… be wise, and keep your heart on the right path. – Proverbs 23:19




No Sweeter Season

When my eyes fluttered gently open to the light that still remained on from last night, I felt something I haven’t felt in quite a while – rested. I realized that I had laid down for a moment, still in my workout attire, just to warm up under the weight and warmth of my blankets. Fast forward eight hours and twenty-five minutes later, and the arrival of morning had come…

Many friends have asked what I intend to do with my summer, as yesterday was the final day of the school year. (I am a teacher.) I know there are some that have well-laid plans, and schedule each day with an itinerary and to-do list. For me, I think summer is meant to be a time of rest, refreshing and healing. My body is worn, and I am still trying to heal from a fracture in my low back. Sleep deprivation has been my normal for the past nine plus months, so actually sleeping until my body wakes will be novel.

As for writing, this is part of my daily practice. I wake. I make coffee and grab something to eat, and I sit down to pray, read the word, and then reflect. This is the routine in my day, as it sets my heart and mind for wherever the Lord leads. If I am running errands, I find I have patience and kindness to extend to others, regardless of what is going on around me. When adventure awaits, energy and enthusiasm overflow, and my guys join in for the journey.

Fitness too, is a part of my daily doings. When my body is active, my mind does not get hung up on the little things of life. It gives me reason to be grateful for health and His creation, and the ability to move and be active is something that I will never take for granted.

This morning’s scheduled reading was from John 11:17-37, and tells the story of Jesus going to Mary and Martha after Lazarus had died. Everyone was glad to see Jesus, but each questioned His timing, with the statement of faith that Lazarus would not have died had Jesus arrived sooner. There was sorrow and regret that seeped out from the family and friends of Lazarus to the Lord. He was compassionate, and as He cared for them, He cried. The story does not end there. In the last few verses of this part of the passage, Jesus asks, “Where have you put him?” One question that would change their world, in a very short span of time.

The connection? We may have hopes and expectations for how things will occur in a certain season, but as we wait on the Lord, we may feel disappointment or sorrow in what we see as delay or a no way, only to be blown away by what He will ultimately do. May this summer be a season of faithful movement as we anticipate and watch for the things that the Lord will do in us and through us, and we prioritize earnest pursuit of Him.


I looked to the Lord,Enter With Thanksgiving

And called on His Name;

No word went unheard,

To God of all grace.

Though I have set hopes,

And dreams for this time;

In Your faithfulness,

Please, Your will, not mine.

In each new season,

May I see Your grace;

No matter what comes,

Keep running Your race.


Dear Heavenly Father, thank You that You do exceedingly more that we could hope or imagine in Your time. Thank You that Your faithfulness is not dependent on how we perceive things or how we feel. Forgive us for our lack of faith and fearfulness when things that we long for seem to have died. Teach us to trust You more, so that we would remember that You see beyond today, and Your timing and plan is always best. Show us how to love others with Your goodness and grace, so that they too may long to seek Your face. May many come into a lasting relationship with You. Be glorified O God, as we pursue You and Your best for us in all things. Amen.

© Shannon Elizabeth Moreno and Revelations in Writing, May 2011 – present

Because of the tender mercy of our God, …the rising sun will come to us from heaven. – Luke 1:78

Loved Like Lazarus

When Jesus saw her weeping, and the Jews who had come along with her also weeping, He was deeply moved in spirit and troubled. – (John 11:33)


Jesus was not God out there, He was God came near, who felt what we feel, and loved people through their points of pain. This particular verse was Jesus’ response after He saw and spoke with both Martha and Mary after Lazarus had died. Little did the ladies know, that when Jesus was moved in spirit, it would bring back to life, the brother that they thought they had lost… The very same God who loved Mary, Martha and Lazarus in their spaces of sorrow, loves each of us and knows our needs. He is moved when we weep and hears every prayer. We never know how He intends to answer our requests, and we can always count on His coming close in our space of need. May we never forget that He is close to the brokenhearted, and He hears every cry of our hearts. He is faithful to meet us in our brokenness, and love us back to life.


There are times like Lazarus,Internal Investments Exceed External

when light gives way to pain;

all the heart knows is weeping,

we need new life again.

In those places of darkness,

if we call on the Lord;

He’s faithful to draw near us,

love and peace He’ll afford.

Healing this side of heaven,

is held in His great hands;

as we submit and trust Him,

His love reveals His plans.

He stays with brokenhearted,

and hears each cry we pray;

He’s near us every moment,

His light will point the way.


Dear Heavenly Father, thank You that You sent Your Son to show us how You love. Thank You that Your love is not from afar, but it is love that comes close, that feels, and touches, and weeps when we weep and rejoices when we rejoice. Thank You that You are moved by what moves us. Forgive us for forgetting how very personal and near You are in the throes of our own pain, and help us to know Your nearness in tangible ways. Teach us to trust You more, so that we would call on You in our chaos and give You thanks for the gifts of grace. Lead us to love others as You so generously love each of us. May many come to know Your nearness personally, and choose to enter into a relationship with You. Be exalted O God, as we come before You with both thanksgiving and petitions, grateful for Your nearness and understanding of each one of us as You provide new life for us in You. Amen.

© Shannon Elizabeth Moreno and Revelations in Writing, May 2011 – present.

For the Lord your God will bless you, …and your joy will be complete. – Deuteronomy 16:15

Growing Awareness

When Jesus saw her weeping, and the Jews who had come along with her also weeping, He was deeply moved in spirit and troubled. – (John 11:33)


Jesus had just arrived on the scene where Mary and Martha lived. He watched the sorrowful response of the friends whom He loved, as they grieved the loss of their brother, Lazarus. Our Savior was not some far off, unavailable deity, but rather He came close, and did not hesitate to demonstrate His compassion and love for Lazarus and those who mourned losing him. Just sitting beside His friends in their grief would have been good enough, but God in flesh, opted to demonstrate His power to defeat death, in a such a sorrowful space as He called Lazarus to come out from the tomb, and life was restored where it had been four days dead. No matter our circumstances, He sees and feels what we feel. Christ loves so deeply, that He is moved in compassion and compelled to contend for our care. May we rise up in faith, trusting that He sees and knows our every circumstance, and He is present and moving, even when we are unaware.


We serve a Father,Growing Awareness

who’s not unaware;

He knows what we feel,

and He always cares.

He mourns when we mourn,

He weeps as we weep;

He endured all scorn,

so safely He’ll keep.

Trust in His power,

rely on His love;

receive His goodness,

all gifts from above.


Dear Heavenly Father, thank You that You love us so much that You empathize with us as we experience the things of this life. Thank You Jesus, that You endured all things so that You would understand and care for us individually. Forgive us for doubting Your ability to assist us in the seemingly impossible, and help us to trust You in all things and at all times. Lead us to love others, just as You so completely love each of us. May many come to know You as their Savior and King as we remember the remarkable arrival of heaven here on Earth, as You moved to become God with us. Be glorified O God, as we grow in our awareness of Your glorious presence. Amen.

© Shannon Elizabeth Moreno and Revelations in Writing, May 2011 – present.

Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him. – Psalm 34:8

Compassion Leads to Action

When Jesus saw her weeping, and the Jews who had come along with her also weeping, He was deeply moved in spirit and troubled. – (John 11:33)

Jesus wept. – (John 11:35)

When He had said this, Jesus called in a loud voice, “Lazarus, come out!” – (John 11:43)


These three verses are pivotal points in the story of Lazarus. Though Jesus knew that He would raise Lazarus from the dead prior to His arrival, His compassion for people was made evident through how He came alongside those who were mourning and wept as they wept. However, Christ continues beyond compassion. Jesus, after demonstrating His love for both Lazarus and those who loved him, chose to do more. He opted to make His mighty power known, as He had the gang of grieving lead Him to the tomb where Lazarus had laid for four days. Jesus stepped up, and in a strong voice, spoke the words that were more than His friends could have hoped for. Their lost loved one was being brought back to life!


As we are moved by compassion to act, it is necessary that we too, listen for His still small voice. Though we may not be raising people from four days dead, our acts of obedience can create hope where there has only been despair. We never know the impact our actions might have, unless we opt to actually step out in faith. He is faithful to use us as His vessels, if only we are willing to make ourselves available. May we go forth, allowing His compassion to propel our hearts to action.


Compassion compels,Care Over Comfort

our hearts to reach out;

to act in His love,

to fill those without.

Just as His kindness,

came near in our need;

so we’re called likewise,

to give and to feed.

Out of our plenty,

and even our lack;

He calls us to love,

He’s loving us back.

May those who don’t know,

come to know His grace;

for once it is known,

there’s no greater place.


Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for sending Your Son to show us what love in action should look like. Jesus, thank You for loving us without limits and for equipping us to love as You love us. Thank You for placing people in our lives to be Your hands and heart made tangible. Thank You that we too, can be the same for others, if only we are available to listen to Your leading. Forgive us for neglecting to act on that which You are asking, and help us to be willing to go and do whatever You ask of us. Give us Your eyes to see, and Your heart of compassion for all whom we encounter. May the compassion You grant us, compel us to action. Lead us in the way You want us to go, and may many come to know You as their Savior and King as a result. Be glorified as we act with compassion today. Amen.

© Shannon Elizabeth Moreno and Revelations in Writing, May 2011 – present.

God has brought me laughter, and everyone who hears about this will laugh with me. – Genesis 21:6