Nothing Can Separate His Love

Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword? No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. – (Romans 8:35 & 37, NIV)

Can anything separate us from Christ’s love? Can trouble or problems or persecution separate us from His love? If we have no food or clothes or face danger or even death, will that separate us from His love? But in all these troubles we have complete victory through God, who has shown His love for us. – (Romans 8:35 & 37, ERV)

So who can separate us? What can come between us and the love of God’s Anointed? Can troubles, hardships, persecution, hunger, poverty, danger, or even death? The answer is, absolutely nothing. But no matter what comes, we will always taste victory through Him who loved us. – (Romans 8:35 & 37, VOICE)

No matter what comes our way, God is with us, and His love knows no end. Though most of us cannot fathom persecution, hunger, poverty, danger, or death, we all have experienced troubles or hardships that can make us question where God is in the midst of it. What I have discovered again and again as trials come, is that God’s love is constant, and He provides the grace and strength we need to navigate each challenge, and His peace and presence are near when we slow down and seek Him. The victory comes as God leads us out of or through the trials, and shows us how He is near as He provides what we need to press on. Additionally, in His great love, God often uses our trials and challenges to help others who are walking through something similar. I heard something on the radio yesterday that was quite profound and aligns with the sentiment of this passage. When we are willing to share our struggles, our stories becomes a guide book of sorts for those who follow and find themselves in similar situations. God is always good. He wants us to know victory in Him, and He is faithful to walk with us, every step of the way, each moment of every day.

No trial too great,

That God walks away;

His presence promised,

Ever near He’ll stay.

He supplies the strength,

And all that we need;

To keep pressing on,

However He leads.

Always He’s for us,

His power exceeds;

All that’s against us,

Love provides our needs.

God’s faithful presence,

And how He provides;

Our story of love,

Found as we abide.

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You that in You there is NOTHING that can separate us from Your love. Thank You that Your love is not circumstantial nor dependent on what we say or do. Thank You that You show us how Your love is true. Forgive us for our fears and doubts as troubles come our way. Teach us to stand firm in the promises You provide, for You are faithful forever to remain with us and lead us in all things. Show us how to love and encourage those around us in ways that supply strength and hope. May many come into a lasting relationship with You. Be glorified O God, as we depend on You to lead us in and through all things, for in You, we have all that we need. Amen.

© Shannon Elizabeth Grabrick and Revelations in Writing, May 2011 – present

In Your unfailing love You will lead the people You have redeemed. In Your strength You will guide them to Your holy dwelling. – Exodus 15:13

To Be Wise With Our Words

Speak without thinking, and your words can cut like a knife. Be wise, and your words can heal. – (Proverbs 12:18, ERV)

Thoughtless words cut deeply like a thrusting sword, but the speech of the wise is a healing balm. – (Proverbs 12:18, VOICE)


Words have power. They have the capacity to offer life and hope and healing, or they bring heartache, death and destruction of dreams. What we say and how it is spoken matters immensely. Thoughtless words spoken cannot be revoked nor erased from the mind and heart of the recipient. Yes, there is forgiveness and healing, but it is far better to think before we speak and seek the Lord for wisdom as to what we are meant to say. No, not one of us gets this right all of the time, and He is the God of grace; but it is far better to pursue a path where we become people who offer peace and healing and health with the words that we speak to those around us. If our mode of operation is using wise words, then, even when we extend words of correction or redirection, they will be received well, as the intent behind what we do and say will have already been clearly established. May our lips be sealed to thoughtless words spoken, and that which we say bring healing to the broken.


O Lord, guard our hearts, The Power of the Tongue

From words without thought;

For they can destroy,

When intent was naught.

Help us stop and think,

Seek You and be wise;

So our words speak life,

Healing realized.

For just as we’ve seen,

How much this is true;

Lead us to be wise,

So we speak like You.


Dear Heavenly Father, thank You that You model life and healing and hope for us in Your every word. Thank You that You do not ask us to do anything that You are not also willing to equip and empower us to do. Forgive us for speaking without thinking, as our words can cause much harm. Teach us to trust You more, so that we would seek You and Your wisdom for the words we are meant to say to offer life and health and hope and healing to all whom we encounter. Show us how to love well with our words, and back them up with our actions. May many come into a lasting relationship with You. Be glorified O God, as we stop ourselves from speaking without thinking, and choose to be wise with our words. Amen.

© Shannon Elizabeth Moreno and Revelations in Writing, May 2011 – present

Is anyone happy? Let him sing songs of praise. – James 5:13

The Word at Work

God’s word is alive and working. It is sharper than the sharpest sword and cuts all the way into us. It cuts deep to the place where the soul and the spirit are joined. God’s word cuts to the center of our joints and our bones. It judges the thoughts and feelings in our hearts. – (Hebrews 4:12, ERV)

For whatever God says to us is full of living power; it is sharper than the sharpest dagger, cutting swift and deep into our innermost thoughts and desires with all their parts, exposing us for what we really are. – (Hebrews 4:12, TLB)

The truth of God stands. No matter what lies hidden, it is known by God. He sees past all pretenses and pretty cover-ups, and gets straight to the heart of things. Where we need correction, He comes. Where we need direction, He leads. Where we need to be encouraged, He speaks life. In those spaces of weariness where we begin to tire of doing good, He grants strength and reminds us how pleased He is when we do His will. God’s word is alive and active and as we invest our time and attention to spending time reading it, He takes what is before us, and instructs, grows and shows us where we are meant to go. May we spend time earnestly seeking the Lord each day through the washing of His word; and may we be encouraged as He refines and defines us, as our hearts become more and more like His.

The word of the Lord,The Word of God

is alive, at work;

it cuts to the core,

highlights sin that lurks.

It judges our thoughts,

actions and desires;

points out our true heart,

rescues from the fire.

The truth of God stands,

for now and always;

it’s hope we can trust,

for all of our days.

By His word He shows,

how we’re meant to live;

what we should let go,

and grace we’re to give.

His words wash away,

that which needs to go;

and raises in us,

His love we’re to show.

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You that Your word is alive and active and sharper than any double-edged sword. Thank You that Your word gets past all of our walls and straights to the heart. Thank You that by Your word and Spirit, You show us our thoughts and attitudes of our hearts through Your eyes. Forgive us for every way within us that does not align with Your heart and the truth of Your word. Teach us to trust You more, so that we would seek Your strength to lead and guide us to walk in Your way and live out Your truth. Show us how to love others with the same gracious and selfless love that You give to us. May many come into a lasting relationship with You. Be glorified O God, as we invest time in Your word and allow Your Spirit to show us how it is to shape all that we say and do. Amen.

© Shannon Elizabeth Moreno and Revelations in Writing, May 2011 – present.

As you know, we consider blessed those who have persevered. – James 5:11

Withholding Wayward Words

Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing. – (Proverbs 12:18)


Our words matter. The thoughts that we choose give a voice have the capacity to cut or to heal those who are around us. Typically, because words are of such great worth in my world, I choose quite carefully. However, when pressed and pushed from every direction, I had a moment the other day, where discernment went out the window, and I went off. My words were not life-giving, but rather they were reactive and ugly, without looking at the potential for their lasting impact. Throughout the day, the Holy Spirit showed me where I went wrong, and how I might repent and bring reparation for what should not have been given “voice”. That evening, after the apology and appropriate words for the situation were extended, communication that had been strained, somehow became much more bearable. Words of repentance followed by kind words of encouragement, lifted the weight of ugliness that had been lurking between our exchanges. Since then, our conversations have been kinder and gentler, with more consideration for one another. Healing does happen when wisdom is used through our words. May we choose wisely each word we give voice today, so that what comes from our mouth and heart bring healing, rather than hurt.


Reckless words bring pain,Constructive Permission

they cut like a sword;

wounding tender hearts,

when angst is outpoured.

The tongue of the wise,

brings healing and life;

it builds others up,

the ender of strife.

So let us choose well,

the words we give voice;

in wisdom, speak love,

obedient choice.


Dear Heavenly Father, thank You that You are life-giving and that Your word brings healing and wisdom to all who seek to hear and know the truth. Thank You that when we trust in You, Your Holy Spirit will guide us in the words we speak, if we are willing to listen. Forgive us for our reckless words, and please bring healing and restoration to all whom our ill-spoken words have injured. Teach us to trust You more, so that we would choose to be silent before You and listen well, before we ever give voice to what may cause contention. Help us to speak the truth in love, so that others may receive what is said without being wounded, but rather by being encouraged to draw still nearer to You. May many come into a lasting relationship with You, Lord. Be glorified O God, as we silence the reckless words waiting to escape, and instead, give voice to the wise words that extend Your healing and Your hope. Amen.

© Shannon Elizabeth Moreno and Revelations in Writing, May 2011 – present.

I thank and praise You, O God of my fathers: You have given me wisdom and power. – Daniel 2:23

Internal Investments Exceed External

Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. – (Proverbs 31:30)


How we present ourselves, may or may not be the whole picture. We deceive even ourselves, if we do not look at our lives through the lens of Christ. The external, what is seen, grows weary and worn; yet in Christ, our minds and spirits may be refreshed and renewed, day by day. A woman who recognizes who the Lord is, and invites Him to be seated in His proper position in her life, operates as He is calling her to live. As we choose to allow Christ to reign in our lives, His gifts flow through us, and we bear fruit, as others too, may come to see and know who He is, and what He has done for us all. May we rise up in reverence for the Risen Lord, and invite Him to rule and reign in our every word and deed.


Be not deceived,Internal Investments Exceed External

by beauty nor charm;

false illusions,

that unchecked, bring harm.

Beauty, it fades,

and charm is deceit;

fearing the Lord,

is wise, praiseworthy.

Christ is our rock,

on Whom we must stand;

all other things,

are just sinking sand.

Rise up in faith,

in our Holy Lord;

all unto Him,

our shield and our sword.


Dear Heavenly Father, thank You that though external things are fleeting, that which we invest in You, lasts forever. Thank You that as we grow in our understanding of who You are and how much You love us, You are pleased with our pursuit, and use us to turn and bless others. Forgive us for allowing the external voices to deceive our hearts into believing anything that would tie our value to what is seen on the outside, rather than what You are doing and have already done on the inside. Teach us to trust You more, so that we would make our priority the pursuit of You. Help us to love others well, just as You so completely love each of us. May many come into a saving relationship with You, Lord. Be exalted O God, as we see through deceit and beyond packaging, and grant us Your eyes to see and Your heart to love, as we walk in reverence of who You are and the splendor of all whom You have created. Amen.

© Shannon Elizabeth Moreno and Revelations in Writing, May 2011 – present.

He will yet fill your mouth with laughter and your lips with shouts of joy. – Job 8:21

Be the Change

Injustices are everywhere, we simply need open our eyes and look around us to see suffering that need not be present. There is homelessness, abuse, hunger and human trafficking, and those are but a few out our own front door. The needs are far beyond what one person could conquer, however, if we do nothing, change will never occur. As I continue my book study, Undaunted, by Christine Caine, one of her passions is to help fight human trafficking. She goes far beyond sympathy for the suffering, as Caine goes into the places of known need, and seeks to save those stuck in the shackles of slavery. Her heart is for healing and restoring the victims to wholeness, and she works tirelessly to help establish safety nets for victims once they have been rescued.


27 million are in bondage around the globe. That number is staggering. The average age of trafficking victims is twelve, nearly the same age as my own precious progeny. Only 1-2% of victims are ever rescued. That means that 98-99% of those twelve-year-olds, are trapped in bondage until the day they die… (Statistics from


So what are we to do? When Jesus saw an injustice, He walked toward it, not away from it. When He found out there were merchants misusing the temple and keeping the Gentiles from worshiping, He did not sit idly by. On reaching Jerusalem, Jesus entered the temple area and began driving out those who were buying and selling there. He overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of those selling doves, and would not allow anyone to carry merchandise through the temple courts. – (Mark 11:15-16)


If Jesus responded that way to defiling the temple with extortion, imagine how He would respond to human lives being bartered… Our charge is to do something. We are not all called to go into the dark and scary spaces and rescue the captured. However, there are numerous roles to fill. We can pray. We can support. We can educate. We can advocate. We can protect. We can prevent and we can partner with those who are called to go and reach right into the lives that would have otherwise been lost, and be a part of the change. May we each give ear to God’s heart, so that we hear clearly what He would have us do.


Change only happens,Be the Change

when people choose rise;

to stand up and fight,

to open blind eyes.

Awareness becomes,

the mightiest sword;

striking injustice,

as lives are restored.

May we be the change,

that sees and then acts;

let’s go forth in love,

our fire to fight back.


Dear Heavenly Father, thank You that You see and know all of the injustice in the world, and that not one is lost from Your sight. Thank You that You are greater than the ugliness and evil that permeates society. Thank You that in You, we can be the change that ends injustice for individuals everywhere. Thank You that even one life rescued and restored is reason for rejoicing. Forgive us for shying away from injustices we see, and help us to take things head on, just as Jesus did. Teach us to trust You more, so that we will hear Your specific instructions for us, individually, as You have a specific role for each of us to play. Help us to know what we are meant to do, and then grant us the strength and the courage to obey. Lead us to love others more than we ever thought possible, just as You love us. May many who are trapped in captivity – be it physically, emotionally or spiritually – be set free and find life everlasting in You. Be glorified Lord God, as we seek to be the change that You are calling us to be. Amen.

© Shannon Elizabeth Moreno and Revelations in Writing, May 2011 – present.

He who refreshes others will himself be refreshed. – Proverbs 11:25

Reckless Words

Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise bring healing. – (Proverbs 12:18)


All of us, at one time or another, have likely been both the issuer and the recipient, of reckless words. Growing up, the saying, “If you don’t have something nice to say, don’t say anything at all,” somehow stuck and was on constant replay whenever unkind words came my way. I found solace in silence, as I retreated from recklessness. Still, it took being surrounded by tender wisdom, where words of encouragement flowed freely, before healing truly began to happen.


Today, I find the same to still be true. Community is critical, and I am called to surround myself with wise women who can speak truth, when the world tries to do otherwise. I too, am to do the same for all whom I encounter. If I cannot speak light and life to another, then I am not meant to speak at all. God is faithful to provide both words and opportunity to extend encouragement, if only I make myself available to hear His heart for others.


When reckless words,Reckless Words

pierce like a sword;

hear God’s own heart,

wisdom’s accord.

Tongue of the wise,

brings healing, hope;


to stay afloat.

As hearts are healed,

they too, speak life;

disarming swords,

an end to strife.

Let His light shine,

through spoken word;

may God’s own heart,

be the voice heard.


Dear Heavenly Father, thank You that You are our Source and Supply. Thank You that You bring healing and forgiveness when reckless words are spoken, and You grant wisdom so that we too, might be Your voice of truth that offers healing to the hurting. Forgive us for our reckless words, thoughts and deeds, and grant us wisdom to slow down and seek You before we speak or act in anger. Teach us to trust You in all things and at all times. Let Your love be what shines through us to all whom we encounter. May many come to know Your saving grace, as they enter into a lasting relationship with You. Be glorified through the words we speak, and may they bring life and healing to all. Amen.

© Shannon Elizabeth Moreno and Revelations in Writing, May 2011 – present.

For it is commendable if a man bears up under the pain of unjust suffering because he is conscious of God. – I Peter 2:19

Bonds Not Broken

Aine and MeSorrow in parting,

when likely the last;

invested friendships,

through much time has passed.

Weathering seasons,

united in grace;

when one friend falls down,

next helps back in place.

When trials are faced,

together to stand;

prayerful covering,

place all in God’s hand.

In joy and triumph,

we too celebrate;

rejoicing in Christ,

our Father and fate.

May we too build up,

each other in love;

offer compassion,

kindness from above.

Where people are knit,

as a three-strand chord;

Christ in the center,

our strength and our sword.

Invest first in Christ,

grow with each other;

may we rise in strength,

sisters and brothers.

(Responding to Acts 20:25-35)

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for the men and women who have gone before us and modeled what it means to be a church body that is surrendered to You. Thank You that You loved us first, and You draw us unto Yourself. Thank You that You provide people to make Yourself more tangible to us. Forgive us for not fully investing where we are called, and help us to surrender all to You. Teach us how to trust You more so that we follow Your promptings as to where and with whom we are meant to invest more of ourselves. Show us how to pour out what You have given freely, and create among us, strong bonds that will withstand life’s storms. Let our love that is poured out, draw people unto You, and may many come to know You as their Father and Friend. Amen.

© Shannon Elizabeth Moreno and Revelations in Writing, May 2011 – present.

Wielding Our Words

image by Live*Laugh*Dream

image by Live*Laugh*Dream

Though sticks and stones

can break our bones,

words can hurt far more.

For marks they leave,

and heart believes,

the lies to abhor.

Speak life to all,

and heed the call,

just as Jesus did.

New life we’ll bring,

and more shall sing,

the hurts, we will rid.

Lay down our sword,

unto the Lord,

let Him be our voice.

Wise words shall come,

trusting the Son,

may He be our choice.

“Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.” – (Proverbs 12:18)

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for the power of Your word – to guide, comfort, correct, direct, encourage, instruct and lead us into a fuller life with You.  Please forgive us for the times that our words have brought pain to another, and please help us to forgive others for the same.  Teach us to have tame tongues so that we use our words wisely.  May our words breathe life and hope, encouragement and peace, into all who hear us speak.  Let our lives be full of Your love that leads those who are looking, straight unto You.  Amen.

© Shannon Elizabeth Moreno and Revelations in Writing, May 2011 – present