Looking to the Lord

Look to the Lord and His strength; seek His face always. – (Psalm 105:4)

It is easy to get ourselves worked up and on a wild goose chase when things are out of whack.  We wander to and fro, searching for solutions to solve the storm that can only be stilled by our Savior.  He calls us to look to Him and His strength, and to seek His face – ALWAYS.  It matters not whether times are great, or tumultuous; for He knows and He hears our every prayer.  When we choose to seek Him, we are keeping Christ in proper perspective in our lives, as He alone deserves the throne that is high and lifted up.  No matter what comes our way, may we look to the Lord and His strength; seeking His face always, as He is faithful to meet us each moment we choose to seek Him.
                                                                                                                                                               Let not weary hearts,

image by Elizabeth Blank

image by Elizabeth Blank

choose search high and low;
for that is futile,
as the good Lord knows.
He knows what we need,
before we choose ask;
and He’s ever near,
may we take to task.
As we seek His face,
He’s faithful to give;
the strength that we need,
to thrive as we live.
So, look to the Lord,
and seek Him always;
for He is so good,
for all of our days.
                                                                                                                         Dear Heavenly Father, thank You that we can look to You and seek Your face, and You provide Your strength and supply all that we need.  Thank You that You are not a God out there, but rather You are God right here – as present as every breath we breathe.  Forgive us for seeking solutions elsewhere, rather than running to You, our Redeemer.  Teach us to trust You more, so that we we look to You and seek Your face, no matter what comes our way – be it a season of blessing or one of bearing burdens beyond what seems bearable.  Lead us to love others in such a way, that they may see Your strength and grace through us, as we love.  May many come into a saving relationship with You.  Be glorified O God, as we look to You and Your strength, seeking Your face always.  Amen.
                                                                                                                                                         © Shannon Elizabeth Moreno and Revelations in Writing, May 2011 – present.
                                                                                                                                                                   He will yet fill your mouth with laughter and your lips with shouts of joy. – Job 8:21

He Seeks to Save

For the Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost. – (Luke 19:10)


Jesus broke down every barrier of expectation that people had for the coming Messiah. They expected One who was high and lifted up, to come in power, and claim what was rightfully His. Instead, Christ came as a humble servant, One who came close to the sick, the sinners, and those whom society deemed unworthy and lost. Jesus sought out the seeking, and they were found by Him.


Christ continues to come close to the seeking today. He does not have a checklist of qualifications required in order for us to draw near, rather He longs for us to choose Him, to invite Him in, and allow Him access to our life and our heart. Jesus alone, will bring about the necessary changes, we need only allow Him access, followed by willing obedience to that which He asks of us. May we go forth in our sweet salvation, and share His hope with those who are still in search of Him.


Humbly He entered,He Seeks to Save

by lowly a birth;

no pompous fanfare,

when He came to earth.

Born in a stable,

announced by a star;

worshipped by angels,

wise men from afar.

The nearby shepherds,

were stricken by fear;

when angels proclaimed,

that Christ had come near.

The Savior, He grew,

wise and without sin;

it took many years,

for His call begin.

He healed the broken,

and touched the disdained;

showed that there’s new life,

and washed away stains.


Dear Heavenly Father, thank You that You sent Your Son in a way that was approachable, reachable and touchable. Thank You that You came near, rather that remaining God out there. Thank You Jesus, that You came and made the way for us to seek You and find You forever. Thank You that when we seek You with our whole heart, we are found by You. Thank You that You love and forgive and grant us new life in You. Forgive us for all that we say and do that does not give glory unto You. Help us to live and love as You love us, so that many may come to know the saving grace that brings salvation to the seeker. Be glorified through our every word, act, and deed today, Lord God. Amen.

© Shannon Elizabeth Moreno and Revelations in Writing, May 2011 – present.

Shout aloud and sing for joy. – Isaiah 12:6