Cleanse and Restore

Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. – (Psalm 51:10, NIV)

God, create pure heart in me, and make my spirit strong again. – (Psalm 51:10, ERV)

Create in me a clean heart, O God; restore within me a sense of being brand new. – (Psalm 51:10, VOICE)

Not only is this a great thing to pray in this season, but it is one we ought to pray daily, for it is good to be cleansed and made new again as we navigate each day with a fresh start. To have a steadfast spirit is to have unwavering faith, which is a sort of strength that comes from God. My best days come when I feel rested and refreshed and have a sense of new resolve. Being brand new is an interesting concept. As I think about when we have something new, we will do our best to keep said item nice, for as long as we can. If we take the same approach with our spirit, we can ever be new through trusting and following the Lord’s leading. He can keep our heart pure and our spirit strong. It is not through us trying to be good enough or to do enough, but rather it is in the seeking and following after Him that we are refreshed and restored for so much more. ay we ever seek the Lord to cleanse our heart and restore in us a strong spirit.

O Lord, I seek You,

to create in me;

a heart that is clean,

and a spirit free.

Free to choose follow,

each day after You;

to rise in Your strength,

to ever love true.

Please show me, O God,

the ways I should go;

equip my being,

so Your goodness shows.

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You that You are good and that You are for us. Thank You that as we seek You, You cleanse us from all unrighteousness and grant us strength to walk in Your ways and do Your will. Forgive us for the things that we think, say and do that do not align with Your goodness and grace. Show us Your plans that are good so that we may follow after You in all that we say and do. Lead us in Your overwhelming love to extend the same to those around us. May many come into a lasting relationship with You. Be glorified O God, as we seek You to make us clean and new so that we may go forth and love true. Amen.

© Shannon Elizabeth Grabrick and Revelations in Writing, May 2011 – present

What you should want most is God’s kingdom and doing what He wants you to do. Then He will give you all these other things you need. – Matthew 6:33

Cleansing Within

And He said to them, “Are you also as lacking in understanding? Don’t you realize that nothing going into a man from the outside can defile him? For it doesn’t go into his heart but into the stomach and is eliminated.” (As a result, He made all foods clean.” Then He said, “What comes out of a person – that defiles him.” – (Mark 7:18-20, HCSB)

He said, “Do you still have trouble understanding? Surely you know that nothing that enters the mouth from the outside can make people unacceptable to God. Food does not go into a person’s mind. It goes into the stomach. Then it goes out of the body.” (When Jesus said this, He meant there is no food that is wrong for people to eat.) And Jesus said, “The things that make people wrong are the things that come from the inside.” – (Mark 7:18-20, ERV)

Jesus: Do you mean you don’t understand this one either? Whatever goes into people from the outside can’t defile them because it doesn’t go into their hearts. Outside things go through their guts and back out, thus making all foods pure. No, it’s what comes from within that corrupts. – (Mark 7:18-20, VOICE)

What we eat does not determine our righteousness before God. It is what comes out of our mouth and heart that demonstrates our thoughts and beliefs. To speak and act in alignment with God, we must seek and know God, to do His will. It is an ongoing process, as we constantly encounter new situations and circumstances and need God to guide us in His ways. Additionally, we need Him to help us filter our frustrations in such a way that we respond, rather than react. Personally, my default is sarcasm. It is a coping method, but it is not necessarily a way to honor the Lord. I need Him to show me how to adjust my thinking and responding when frustrations come. He is faithful to meet us each time we seek Him, and He helps us recognize a right response more quickly as we are in continual pursuit of His best. May we ever seek the Lord to lead us in every word, thought and deed, so that the things that come out of us glorify Him.

The things called “unclean”,

are not found in food;

it’s words and actions,

that are unkind, rude.

That which is unclean,

comes from peoples hearts;

and then manifests,

through what we impart.

O Lord, please lead us,

to choose what is clean;

our words and actions,

so Your love is seen.

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You that You show and instruct us in how we ought to live. Thank You that living out love is what demonstrates Your goodness and grace. Forgive us for the times that we react out of our frustrations instead of responding in love. Teach us to look to You in all that we say and do so that those around us experience Your loving kindness. Show us how to love well, so that Your cleanliness flows from us. May many come into a lasting relationship with You. Be glorified O God, as we seek You to lead us in Your love in all that we say and think and do. Amen.

© Shannon Elizabeth Grabrick and Revelations in Writing, May 2011 – present

Create in me a clean heart, O God; restore within me a sense of being brand new. – Psalm 51:10

To Find Life

Whoever pursues righteousness and love finds life, prosperity and honor. – (Proverbs 21:21, NIV)

People who try hard to do good and be faithful will find life, goodness, and honor. – (Proverbs 21:21, ERV)

Whoever pursues justice and treats others with kindness discovers true life marked by integrity and respect. – (Proverbs 21:21, VOICE)

The more we pursue what is good, right and just, the more we discover a life filled with goodness and respect. This does not mean that all is free from challenge and trouble, but it does mean that the love we choose to continually give is seen and known, and our heart and intent are clear, despite what comes our way. God is good, and His ways are right and true. As we trust and follow Him, we naturally seek to treat others with kindness, just as He has done for us. May we ever seek the Lord to lead us in what is just and kind, and may our lives be marked with integrity and respect as we love as God designed us to love.

Pursue what is just,

with integrity;

for in doing so,

we find we are free.

Free to love all those,

throughout each new day;

whom we encounter,

as we live His way.

Goodness and justice,

peace and the Lord’s grace;

extended in love,

make the Lord’s love plain.

So, ever seek Him,

and do as He does;

for everything,

is done in His love.

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You that You call us to do good and what is just. Thank You that as we choose to love like You, we discover Your goodness and grace that is poured out upon us. Forgive us for the times that we have not responded to those around us with Your love that is just and good and right. Teach us to seek You to lead us in all things and all times. Show us how to love as You love, with goodness and grace, justice and faithfulness. May many come into a lasting relationship with You. Be glorified O God, as we ever seek You to lead us in Your love that is just and right and leads to life everlasting. Amen.

© Shannon Elizabeth Grabrick and Revelations in Writing, May 2011 – present

Human, the Lord has told you what goodness is. This is what He wants from you: Be fair to other people, love kindness and loyalty, and humbly obey your God. – Micah 6:8

To Rest Secure

Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest secure. – (Psalm 16:9, NIV)

So my heart and soul will be very happy. Even my body will live in safety. – (Psalm 16:9, ERV)

This is a good life – my heart is glad, my soul is full of joy, and my body is at rest. Who could want for more? – (Psalm 16:9, VOICE)

Having a long weekend is an incredible blessing. Time away provides opportunity to rest and reconnect in ways that are not as easily found at home. The responsibilities and to do lists beckon at home, but here, all I need to do is rest secure. Outside, the driving rain is caressing the window panes and the ocean waves are soothing my soul with their steady crashes into the shore. Today, as we appreciate the security and safety that we know in our nation, we ought to give thanks for those who have served and continue to serve to protect the freedom that we know and love. I come from a lineage of family members who have served and fought to protect this life I know and love. God has raised up men and women who have chosen to sacrifice the comfort and security of home as they serve in our armed forces to protect the blessings that we know and enjoy. May we make time today to give God thanks for those who have chosen to serve, and appreciate the people who have given of their time and talents to keep our nation safe. To all those who have served and continue to serve, thank you.

The freedom we know,

A very young version of my Viking.

has not been for free;

through great sacrifice,

it has come to be.

The freedom of choice,

in what’s said and done;

all that we enjoy,

these freedoms were won.

Thank you one and all,

who’ve chosen to serve;

and thanks be to God,

for grace undeserved.

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for the gifts of grace, love, and security. Thank You for those who have served to help uphold the freedoms our nation was founded upon. Forgive us for the times that we have taken these blessings for granted, or neglected to give thanks for the blessings we know. Teach us to give You thanks and praise, and to appreciate well, all who served and continue to serve to keep our home safe and secure. Show us how to love with Your goodness and grace, and help many to come to choose Your saving ways. May many enter into a lasting relationship with You, our true hope and safe space. Be glorified O God, as we praise and thank You for the ability to rest secure because of the service of those whom You have raised up. Amen.

© Shannon Elizabeth Grabrick and Revelations in Writing, May 2011 – present

“Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” – Matthew 11:28

Ever Near

I keep the Lord in mind always. Because He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken. – (Psalm 16:9, HCSB)

I always remember that the Lord is with me. He is here, close by my side, so nothing can defeat me. – (Psalm 16:9, ERV)

He is ever present with me; at all times He goes before me. I will not live in fear or abandon my calling because He stands at my right hand. – (Psalm 16:9, VOICE)

This is the goal for sure, to keep the Lord in mind always and to remember that He is ever present with us wherever we go and whatever we do. Whatever He calls us to, He will see us through. It does not mean that it will be easy, but it will always be worthwhile. Whether we have known Jesus the majority of our lives or for a short while, it is good to be reminded of how very near He is. When we are aware of His presence, fear flees and we find we are equipped and empowered to move forward into all that He is asking. May we ever seek the Lord and be intentional to spend time with Him, as it is through our drawing near that we are reminded that the Lord is but a heartbeat away.

O Lord, You are good,

Chasing sunsets on Oahu.<3

Ever near to me;

My help and my hope,

For eternity.

As close as my hand,

You stay by my side;

Your nearness is clear,

As I choose abide.

Remind us, O God,

Of Your strength and grace;

How present You are,

When we seek Your face.

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You that You are always with us and ever ready to help us and strengthen us so that we can press on. Thank You that we need not fear because You are with us. Forgive us for losing sight of Your nearness. Teach us to trust in Your goodness and grace that is ever with us. Show us how to love those around us in ways that make Your nearness tangible. May many come into a lasting relationship with You. Be glorified O God, as we are ever aware of Your nearness. Amen.

© Shannon Elizabeth Grabrick and Revelations in Writing, May 2011 – present

The Lord is near to all who call out to Him, all who call out to Him with integrity. – Psalm 145:18

Unlikely Allies

While he was sitting on the judge’s bench, his wife sent word to him, “Have nothing to do with that righteous man, for today I’ve suffered terribly in a dream because of Him!” – (Matthew 27:19, HCSB)

While Pilate was sitting there in the place for judging, his wife sent a message to him. It said, “Don’t do anything with that man. He is not guilty. Last night I had a dream about Him and it troubled me very much.” – (Matthew 27:19, ERV)

While court was still in session, Pilate’s wife sent him a message. “Don’t get mixed up in judging this noble man. I’ve just been through a long and troubled night because of a dream about Him.” – (Matthew 27:19, MSG)

I have read the account of all that Jesus endured on His way to the cross countless times. For whatever reason, what stood out to me this morning is that the most unlikely of people seemed to be in His corner. After enduring two trials and three denials, I imagine it felt like no one was for Him. Both Pilate and his wife spoke on His behalf, recognizing and declaring His innocence. Though Pilate eventually gave into the chaos of the crowd, he had spoken out about Jesus and had declared that He had done nothing worthy of death. These things make me wonder what life was like for them after Jesus had died, risen and ascended. My heart hopes that because they had been in His presence and had witnessed the heart, humility and grace that Jesus displayed, that their lives were forever changed. This morning, my prayer is that all those around us will see Jesus in us and be drawn into His goodness and grace.

Unlikely allies,

A judge and his wife;

Knew what really was,

And fought for His life.

Yet despite their words,

That which had to be;

The life of Jesus,

For you and for me.

There was not a way,

To bypass the cross;

He was not willing,

For us to be lost.

The joy of it all,

Arrived the third day;

Death couldn’t hold Him,

For He is the way.

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You that Your word is alive and active, and that You show us new things each time we are intentional to invest time in Your word. Thank You that You use unlikely people to show us more of You. Forgive us for not pausing to ponder or for rushing ahead when You always have something for us to learn. Teach us to be intentional in our seeking and listening. Show us more of You in everyday and unexpected places. Lead us to love those around us in ways that demonstrate Your goodness and grace and penetrate the hardest of hearts. May many come into a lasting relationship with You. Be glorified O God, as we pause, ponder, and praise You for all that You have done in our lives. Amen.

© Shannon Elizabeth Grabrick and Revelations in Writing, May 2011 – present

By this all people will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another. – John 13:35

Seek to Start Well

But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be provided for you. Therefore don’t worry about tomorrow, because tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough troubles of its own. – (Matthew 6:33-34, HCSB)

What you should want most is God’s kingdom and doing what He wants you to do. Then He will give you all these other things you need. So don’t worry about tomorrow. Each day has enough trouble of its own. Tomorrow will have its own worries. – (Matthew 6:33-34, ERV)

So above all, constantly seek God’s kingdom and His righteousness, then all these less important things will be given to you abundantly. Refuse to worry about tomorrow, but deal with each challenge that comes your way, one day at a time. Tomorrow will take care of itself. – (Matthew 6:33-34, TPT)

Intentionally seeking God at the start of the day does make a difference. Doing so, helps set the heart and mind on what matters most so that everything else can be taken in stride. Yesterday, I had to get to work early to complete some extra planning for the day, and my morning devotional time was cut short. God is good and full of grace, yet I felt less resilient in the challenges that I encountered throughout the day. The love of the Lord is with us, but we need to be aware of it to function as He intended. May we be purposeful in our pursuit of His kingdom first so that we may do His will, and allow the worries for tomorrow to fall away and rest in His capable hands.

Choose to seek the Lord,

To start well each day;

Don’t let tomorrow,

Disrupt what’s today.

Each day we’re given,

A gift to live well;

With God beside us,

Of love, let us tell.

Not just with our words,

But may ev’ry deed;

Show of His kindness,

As we let Love lead.

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You that as we set our hearts and minds on You and Your goodness and love, You provide all that we need to navigate each new day well. Forgive us for trying to operate in our own strength, or for neglecting to recognize our need for You each day. Teach us to turn to You in trust as we rise each morning, and to hold fast to Your goodness and grace as we go through our days. Show us how to love those around us as You call us to do. May many come into a lasting relationship with You. Be glorified O God, as we seek You first each day and trust You to lead us in Your love. Amen.

© Shannon Elizabeth Grabrick and Revelations in Writing, May 2011 – present

Search for the Lord and for His strength; seek His face always. – 1 Chronicles 16:11

The Value of Virtue

“It’s not what goes into your body that defiles you; you are defiled by what comes from your heart.” – (Mark 7:15-16, NLT)

“Your souls aren’t harmed by what you eat, but by what you think and say!” – (Mark 7:15-16, TLB)

“What truly contaminates a person is not what he puts into his body, but what comes out. That’s what makes a person defiled.” – (Mark 7:15-16, TPT)


Our bodies are a temple and should be treated accordingly. Though we ought to be wise with what and how much we consume, it is not what makes the temple unclean, but rather the things that come from our heart. Our charge to love God and love people requires an investment in our relationship with Him. When we are intentional to seek time with the Lord and study His word, our hearts are cleansed and what we think and say more clearly reflects what He intends for us. In other words, the temple is made beautiful by the expressions of the heart, not by the appearance of the structure. May we ever seek our Savior to cleanse and empower us, so that we may go forth in love, according to His good and perfect plan.


The things from the heart, img_2019-03-02_05-51-164357877272792768654.jpg

Each word that’s spoken;

Has power to heal,

Or make things broken.

It is up to us,

To seek and choose well;

And trust in the Lord,

As in Him we dwell.

For He will grant strength,

Remove what’s unclean;

Plant in us, His light,

So His love is seen.


Dear Heavenly Father, thank You that what we consume is not what makes us unclean, but rather the state of our heart and what we think and say. Forgive us for allowing our hearts to stray from You, so that our thoughts or words no longer reflect Your goodness and grace. Teach us to trust You in all things and at all times to grant us Your grace to speak light and life and love. Show us how to love those around us in the same way that You so lavishly and unconditionally love each of us. May many come into a lasting relationship with You, as Your heart is made visible by our love. Be glorified O God, as we seek and trust in You to help us fix our thoughts on the things of You so that our words and deeds shine Your light wherever we go. Amen.


© Shannon Elizabeth Grabrick and Revelations in Writing, May 2011 – present


And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity. – Colossians 3:14