Not Yet Seen

So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. – (2 Corinthians 4:18, NIV)

So we think about what we cannot see, not what we see. What we see lasts only a short time, and what we cannot see will last forever. – (2 Corinthians 4:18, ERV)

So we do not set our sights on the things we can see with our eyes. All of that is fleeting; it will eventually fade away. Instead, we focus on the things we cannot see, which live on and on. – (2 Corinthians 4:18, VOICE)

What our eyes can see is limited, yet what we cannot see is infinite. Hope anticipates what is not yet, for it has not yet come into view. Though we cannot see the Eternal, we can imagine a glimpse of the good that will be. God’s word tells us that “What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived’ – the things God has prepared for those who love Him.” (1 Corinthians 2:9) I have seen some incredibly beautiful places on earth, have heard singing that sounds like the voices of angels, and I can imagine goodness, kindness, joy and peace, yet my limited experiences and imagination do not have the capacity to grasp the glory of God and the place He has prepared for us. Knowing how good God is gives us reason to set our sights on that which is not yet seen. May we ever seek the Lord, who is unseen, to reveal more and more of Himself to us as He leads and guides us in all that is good.

The glory of God,

our eyes can’t yet see;

the work of His hands,

are glimpses to me.

The moon and the stars,

the land and the sea;

glorious preview,

of eternity.

The hands that crafted,

such endless beauty;

in love, uphold us,

leads us patiently.

All thanks to the Lord,

who cares endlessly;

grants hope forever,

through what’s yet to be.

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You that You are good and loving and forgiving. Thank You that You are preparing a place for us that is beyond what we could hope or imagine. Thank You that as we focus on what we cannot yet see, You show us more and more of who You are and how You love. Forgive us for our lack of eternal perspective when challenges come our way. Teach us to trust You more, so that we might recognize how fleeting the here and now is in comparison to forever with You. Show us how to love those around us in ways that point hearts and minds to that which is eternal. May many come into a lasting relationship with You. Be glorified O God, as we seek to know You more each day and praise You for the eternal hope that You deposit in our hearts. Amen.

© Shannon Elizabeth Grabrick and Revelations in Writing, May 2011 – present

I lift my eyes to the mountains – where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth. – Psalm 121:1-2

Help in His Name

Our help is in the name of the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth. – (Psalm 124:8, NIV)

God’s strong name is our help, the same God who made heaven and earth. – (Psalm 124:8, MSG)

For the same God who made everything, our Creator and our Mighty Maker, He himself is our helper and defender! – (Psalm 124:8, TPT)


Today is the day that we will travel to Wenatchee, the place where my Viking and I will wed. Our intent was to leave this morning, so that we would have three full days there to prepare prior to the main event. As it turns out, the process of moving my boys and me out of our old home and into the new, takes far longer than anticipated, and our drive will not begin until late this afternoon. The past two days have been spent tirelessly working to pack and move and move some more. To look at what is yet to be done seems daunting, yet I know that all will be done as we seek Him for strength to press on. The very same God who made everything, is able to equip and empower us to finish all that must be done – both here and in Wenatchee. Though our departure time is going to be later than planned, I am certain that His timing is perfect, and all that needs to be done, will be. May we ever seek our Mighty Maker to be our help and our strength, for He is faithful forever to all who trust in Him.


The Name of the Lord,


Post work party dinner above and an example of things waiting to find a place to be stored… ❤

Our strength and our song;

He helps in our need,

All to carry on.

For great is His Name,

Our God, He is near;

Our help and our hope,

Our lifter of fear.

All strength for today,

And in all to come;

Blessed is the Lord,

The Most Holy One.


Dear Heavenly Father, thank You that You are our strength, help and hope in all things and at all times. Thank You that nothing is impossible for You. Thank You that You meet us each time we call on Your Name. Thank You that Your timing is perfect and You see every need before it arises. Forgive us for our frustration and concerns when things do not go according to our plans. Teach us to trust You more, as You are faithful forever. Show us how to come alongside those around us in love, so that we may strengthen and support those in need. May many come into a lasting relationship with You. Be glorified O God, as we praise You, our Strength and our Help, for You are near. Amen.


© Shannon Elizabeth Moreno and Revelations in Writing, May 2011 – present


The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in Him, and He helps me. My heart leaps for joy, and with my song I praise Him. – Psalm 28:7

Ever Be

But You are always the same; You will live forever. – (Psalm 102:27, NLT)

But You never change. You will live forever! – (Psalm 102:27, ERV)

But You are the same, You will never change; Your years will never come to an end. – (Psalm 102:27, VOICE)


As I read the various versions of this particular passage, song lyrics began to play through my mind immediately. The song, Ever Be, by Aaron Shust, has a line that kept repeating over and over as I took in the truth – “Faithful You have been and faithful You will be…” God is always the same and will not change. His love and faithfulness for us, remain for all time. Before the world began, He was. Long after life as we know it ceases, He will be. The constant is God. When everything that surrounds us seems to be swirling out of control, the one true thing that shall always remain, is who God is and how He loves. He is the anchor of our soul, and the One on whom we can always depend. May we ever trust in the Lord, for He is good and loving and kind, and His faithfulness will never end.


For You never change, The Reason for Reverence

You’re always the same;

Faithful forever,

We trust in Your Name.

Though we are all born,

And will one day die;

You are forever,

Hope never denied.

Help us always seek,

You, our faithful Lord;

All praise be to You,

The One we adore.


Dear Heavenly Father, thank You that You are always the same, and that Your Kingdom knows no end. Thank You that Your faithfulness is forever, and we can trust in You. Forgive us for thinking that You are fickle like us, that You would somehow change Your mind. Teach us to trust You more, so that we would readily believe and receive all that You have for us, as You are faithful forever. Show us how to love others with the same faithfulness that You give to us. May many come into a lasting relationship with You. Be glorified O God, as we give You praise for all of our days that You never change and that Your years shall not ever end. Amen.


© Shannon Elizabeth Moreno and Revelations in Writing, May 2011 – present


God has brought me laughter, and everyone who hears about this will laugh with me. – Genesis 21:6

Faithful Love Never Ends

Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! His faithful love endures forever. – (Psalm 107:1, NLT) 

Say thank you to the Lord for being so good, for always being so loving and kind. – (Psalm 107:1, TLB) 

Let everyone give all their praise and thanks to the Lord! Here’s why – He’s better than anyone could ever imagine. Yes, He’s always loving and kind, and His faithful love never ends. – (Psalm 107:1, TPT) 


This is a month where society floods us with messages of “love”. For some of us, it is a seemingly sweet sentiment, as we are in a good space, and know and appreciate that we are loved well. However, there are others who are in spaces of mourning, either for the love they have lost, or the love than is yet to be. The challenge in either space is to keep a proper perspective toward the love that matters most. God’s love has always been and will always be, and is not dependent on our feelings nor performance. No matter what sort of relationships we are in, our relationship with God ought to come first. When we love God and know His love well, we are equipped to give and receive love in a way that is lasting. May we rise up and give thanks to the Lord for His good, faithful and lasting love and receive what He gives, so that we can go and give in the same way. 


All thanks be to God, Love Made Known

For goodness and love; 

He’s always faithful, 

To help from above. 

He gives us kindness, 

For all of our days; 

Love overflowing, 

He’s present always. 

No matter status, 

Together, alone; 

When we go with God, 

Our heart’s always home. 


Dear Heavenly Father, thank You that You are good and that Your faithful love endures forever. Thank You that when we are single, You fill the places in our hearts that lack. Thank You that when You bring love to us, You show us Your heart for us in new ways through the other person. Thank You that in all things, You are loving and kind. Forgive us for our impatience and desire to see things go our way, rather than trusting You and Your perfect timing. Teach us to trust You in the waiting. Show us how to love those around us well, so that they may gain glimpses of Your heart for them. May many come into a lasting relationship with You. Be glorified O God, as we give You praise for all our days for Your faithful love that never ends. Amen. 


© Shannon Elizabeth Moreno and Revelations in Writing, May 2011 – present


The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. – Galatians 5:22-23