Fully Known

For You created my inmost being; You knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Your works are wonderful, I know that full well. – (Psalm 139:13-14, NIV)

You formed the way I think and feel. You put me together in my mother’s womb. I praise You because You made me in such a wonderful way. I know how amazing that ways! – (Psalm 139:13-14, ERV)

For You shaped me, inside and out. You knitted me together in my mother’s womb long before I took my first breath. I will offer You my grateful heart, for I am Your unique creation, filled with wonder and awe. You have approached even the smallest details with excellence; Your works are wonderful; I carry this knowledge deep within my soul. – (Psalm 139:13-14, VOICE)


Every single day, as I watch in wonder and awe, I recognize God’s mighty hand, as I see not only His restorative power as He heals and renews the portion of mom’s brain impacted by the stroke, but how His hand is clearly evident in everything. The very One who knit her together in her mother’s womb, knows what she needs most. He hand-selected physical therapists, speech therapists, occupational therapists, nurses, social workers, custodial staff, dietitians and doctors to be exactly the people to bless and encourage, love and inspire mom in the way that moves her most. She is in the place she is meant to be, and is thriving. Days are busy and fully scheduled, so visits from anyone other than the immediate family or very close family friends that have already been notified, are still just too much to add to her day. The process of healing from a stroke is a sort of great awakening, and the more focused she can be on that, the more quickly the connections are reestablished. Gradually, she is asking to make phone calls on speaker, so for those eager to hear, please stay patient. For those who have sent cards, thank you! She loves how I have hung the cards around the top perimeter of her room, reminding her that every card represents loved ones who are praying for her and cheering her on. Sometimes, at the end of the day, she sits in the middle of the room in her chair and slowly turns herself around, looking at each card above her, grinning ear to ear. At times her eyes get a bit glossy, simply because she is overwhelmed knowing how very loved and supported, she truly is. God created my mom to be a warrior and a friend to all. Both her kindness and drive are fueling this fight to regain what the stroke tried to take. Each day, we see new evidence and hope towards the restoration of her right side. God knows what mom needs, and He knows how to restore the connections that have been disrupted. May we ever seek our Savior, for He is our help and our hope forever.


The same mighty hands, img_2019-05-14_05-13-222901137501217552613.jpg

That formed us with care;

Are holding us now,

Our burdens, He’ll bear.

We need only come,

And sit and His feet;

To find safe harbor,

Love’s gracious retreat.

With arms open wide,

His love does embrace;

Spaces of unrest,

As He fills with grace.

God knows what we need,

And His way is best;

We need seek and trust,

It’s how we find rest.


Dear Heavenly Father, thank You that You know every intimate detail about us and how our bodies work best. Thank You that You know our mom and how to best restore her to health and wholeness. Thank You that we are witnessing Your miraculous healing power every single day before our own eyes. Forgive us for our discouragement at the pace. Teach us to trust Your timing, rather than our own desires to have what we want when we want it. Show us how to love mom and those around us in a way that encourages, supports, and shines Your light so brightly, that there is no denying the difference You make in a person. May many come into a lasting relationship with You. Be glorified O God, as we live and love with hope and trust in You, the One who knows us better than we know ourselves. Amen.


© Shannon Elizabeth Grabrick and Revelations in Writing, May 2011 – present


Sing to the Lord, for He has done glorious things; let this be known to all the world. – Isaiah 12:5

Holding Hidden Hope

Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for He who promised is faithful. – (Hebrews 10:23, NIV)

Let’s hold on to the confession of our hope without wavering, because the One who made the promises is reliable. – (Hebrews 10:23, CEB)

So we must cling tightly to the hope that lives within us, knowing that God always keeps His promises! – (Hebrews 10:23, TPT)


God sees, hears and knows the hopes that we are holding deep within our hearts, that feel so far reaching, that we give them little attention or thought. In this space of being present for my mom, my greatest hope and prayer is for her total and complete healing and restored independence in every way. My own desires have taken a back burner, as caring for mom is my top priority in this season. Yesterday, my sister let me know that she would be able to come and be with mom for the latter half of both next week and the following week. For me, this means that I will be heading home to teach the last two days of both next week and the following week, will be home with my husband and children for more than a quick overnight, and will be able to worship alongside dear ones at my own church two weeks in a row. Balance and normalcy after living in a strange sort of isolation for the last two weeks will return. I would not trade the time for anything, as I have had the incredible privilege of watching mom thrive and heal and grow by leaps and bounds in a very short span of time. This is a space of being torn, wanting desperately to be in two places at once. I know that my sister has struggled with the same. Thankfully, modern technology has made it a bit easier with the ability to send videos, Marco Polo, text messaging and phone calls on speaker. All of these things remind us there is hope, and that God is faithful to keep His promises. He will never leave us nor forsake us; EVER!

Mom had another fantastic day yesterday, and her right side is beginning to “wake up”. After a stroke, the muscles are still very much alive; it is the signals to the muscles that have to be reestablished. New pathways are finding connections, and there are new movements to celebrate daily. Interestingly, the messages start reconnecting first in the larger muscles, then work their way down to the smaller. She is able to move her right arm some from her shoulder, and her right leg some from her hip, quad and glute. Continue to pray for the pathways to reconnect every muscle, tendon and fiber within her being. We are ever holding close to the hope that He has rooted deep within us, trusting in His goodness and grace to bring forth His promises to fulfillment.


The Lord is faithful,05111905412003377672249863064.jpg

His promises true;

Always beside us,

Our hope He renews.

Trust in His goodness,

Rely on His grace;

For He knows our needs,

And sets all in place.

Even with the hopes,

We dare not give voice;

He hears and honors,

Reason to rejoice.

So, hold onto hope,

God ever shall be;

Faithful to His word,

‘til eternity.


Dear Heavenly Father, thank You that we can cling to the hope that we profess, for we know that You are faithful to all that You have promised. Thank You that You show us again and again, evidence of Your goodness and grace; Your incredible love made tangible. Forgive us for our fears and doubts, or for allowing our circumstances to take our eyes off of the hope we know is true in You. Teach us to trust You more, for You are ALWAYS faithful. Show us how to love and encourage those around us in a way that demonstrates Your hope and faithfulness in practical and tangible ways. May many come into a lasting relationship with You. Be glorified O God, as we cling to the hope we know in You, for You are faithful forever. Amen.


© Shannon Elizabeth Grabrick and Revelations in Writing, May 2011 – present


Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. – Ephesians 4:32