Lasting Joy

Even in laughter the heart may ache, and joy may end in grief. – (Proverbs 14:13)


Though I know not what Solomon was referring to in this particular verse, right now, it strikes a chord. There are seasons when there is heartache despite our laughter, and even the joy that we find in the little things, can come crashing down around us. Thankfully, this is not the end. While earthly moments of joy may end in grief, our eternal joy will end in jubilation. When we choose to invest our lives in Christ, our hope is secure, and our eternity assured. These seasons of heartache and grief are temporary, and the joy that is yet to come – that shall last FOREVER. Today, whether we find ourselves in a season of joy or one of heartache, let us lift our eyes and hearts to Him who is the holder of all hope, and the place where true lasting joy is found forever.


When your laughter hides,Aquiring Armor

deep desperate ache;

and joy’s elusive,

because of heartbreak –

Call on the Lord.

When moments are good,

and life’s going well;

give praise to the King,

of His glory tell –

Give thanks to God.

No matter the time,

nor season we’re in;

the Lord is present,

as we call on Him –

Spirit come near.


Dear Heavenly Father, thank You that no matter what season of life we are living in, You promise to be present and faithful. Thank You that even when we are laughing through heartache or what seemed to bring joy ends in grief, You are faithful and good. Thank You that our hope in You is certain, and the joy in You is not only for today, but for all of eternity. Forgive us for allowing our circumstances to steal the joy that You give, and help us to hold fast to the truth. Teach us to trust You more, so that we will allow Your hope to be what overwhelms our hearts. Lead us to love others well, be it in their times of joy or times of pain. May many come into a lasting relationship with You. Be glorified O God, as we love You with our life, regardless of whether life provides laughter or heartache, for You are our hope forever. Amen.

© Shannon Elizabeth Moreno and Revelations in Writing, May 2011 – present.

Listen… be wise, and keep your heart on the right path. – Proverbs 23:19