Wait Quietly in Hope

We are at an interesting place of pause between Christmas and New Year’s Eve. For my boys and me, our break seems to have been passing us by on fast forward. It was intentional that we traveled over the snow-covered pass to spend a few days with my mom. Here, in this wondrous winter wonderland, there is quiet, calm, and rest. The option of constant motion is available, yet it somehow ends up being a space of resting, game-playing, moving watching and the like. For a few days, we slow down, and it is good.


Let all that I am wait quietly before God, for my hope is in Him. – (Psalm 62:5, NLT)


For me, my natural rhythm and routine of rising early to spend time in the quiet solitude with Christ, remains. However, I find that there is something about the surrounding silence, that causes me to quiet my heart more often, and have a sort of lean in and listen posture in this space where I am surrounded by such majesty. I cannot help but be in awe at every turn, and remember that my hope is found in He who created all of this. If God can create such beauty out of nothing, He can bring order where there is chaos, hope to despair, freedom where things are bound, and peace to places of unrest. There is nothing that we have to do to earn His favor or convince Him that we need His help. Our charge is to ask, trust, and then wait quietly before Him. If He has a part for us to play in His provision, He will make it clear. May we wait quietly before Him with all that we are, and place all of our hope in God.


In sweet silence lies,IMG_1849

God’s grace and presence;

all hope we can trust,

despite circumstance.

The very same God,

Who created all;

loved us with His life,

so we would not fall.

He calls us to come,

to quietly be;

in the sweetest space,

where we find we’re free.


Dear Heavenly Father, thank You that as we allow all that we are to wait quietly before You, we find all hope is found in You. Thank You that You are our rest and our refuge, our safety and our strength. Thank You that You love us to life, and grant us hope for all that is yet to come. Forgive us for not slowing down and quieting our hearts before You, as we lose sight of hope in our constant motion. Teach us to trust You more so that we would be intentional in our quieting of our hearts and minds before You, giving You all that we are in uninterrupted spaces. Show us how to embrace the hope that You grant us, so that we may share it with others in how we love. May many come into a lasting relationship with You. Be glorified O God, as we let all that we are be quiet before You, and place all of our hope in You. Amen.

© Shannon Elizabeth Moreno and Revelations in Writing, May 2011 – present.

Is anyone happy? Let him sing songs of praise. – James 5:13

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