His Hand at Work

Help me, oh help me, God, my God, save me through Your wonderful love; then they’ll know that Your hand is in this, that You, God, have been at work. – (Psalm 109:26-27, MSG)

Lord my God, help me! Show Your faithful love and save me! Then they will know that You did it. They will know that it was Your power, Lord, that helped me. – (Psalm 109:26-27, ERV)


Though these words were the cry of David’s heart to God as he faced his enemies, they are still applicable today as we go through every type of trial. Yesterday, I was reminded again, countless times, of the faithful love of our Heavenly Father and the healing hope He extends through His hands and the hands and hearts of those He places around us. Throughout the day, I was reminded of His kindness and compassion for me in many ways. My students were better behaved than usual, despite not knowing my loss. Friends near and far extended sweet words of condolence and comfort, and my teaching twin, friend and fellow coach gave me a beautiful bouquet of roses (my grandmother’s name was Rose, unbeknownst to her) with a sweet card containing kind words and a verse that points to the promise my heart is holding. Practice after school went well, and I found myself smiling a bit more again. A quick run with a sweet friend followed, and further reminders of God’s goodness ensued. As I came home and was met with great greetings from my boys, gratitude filled my heart. Laughter and smiles were plentiful during my return trip to the gym with dear friends, and in the midst of my time there, a “just because” text came in and further reminded me of how truly blessed I am, and how God helps me in tangible ways in my time of need, by showing His love through the hands and hearts of those around me. May we call out to Jesus and seek His wonderful love, for there is no one who can help our hearts like Him.


Oh help me, my God,IMG_3146

By Your love and grace;

Make Your power known,

Be near in this place.

Show Your faithful love,

Through Your tender hand;

So all too may know,

By Your grace, we stand.

Thank You, Lord Jesus,

You graciously show;

Your hands and Your heart,

Through people we know.


Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for Your help and Your hope in our times of need. Thank You that You make Your love tangible through people that You place in our lives, as they remind us of how readily You are moving on our behalf. Thank You that Your faithful love saves us from despair and reminds us again and again of the hope that is forever held in You. Forgive us for not calling out to You in our need, and teach us to trust You more. Show us how to hear Your heart for those around us, equipping us to be Your hands and heart to the hurting. Help us to love others well so that many see You through Your life within us. May many come into a lasting relationship with You. Be glorified O God, as we seek You and Your faithful love so that Your power may be made evident in our lives. Amen.

© Shannon Elizabeth Moreno and Revelations in Writing, May 2011 – present

Is anyone happy? Let him sing songs of praise. – James 5:13