Look to the Lord

Look to the Lord and His strength; seek His face always. – (Psalm 105:4, NIV)

Depend on the Lord for strength. Always go to Him for help. – (Psalm 105:4, ERV)

Seek the Eternal and His power; look to His face constantly. – (Psalm 105:4, VOICE)

Seek, look to, and depend on the Lord, for He is our source of strength. He is faithful to meet us wherever we are and ready to walk beside us, strengthening us, so that we may continue moving in the direction to which we have been called. We are in the home stretch of the school year, with only six more wake-ups remaining. Students are all over the map, as they are sad to leave, anxious about what lies ahead in high school, and equally restless and weary from the longest school year ever. It has been an incredibly challenging year, as students have had to adapt to being back in classrooms after nearly two years online. Our seventh graders never had the introduction to what it is to be in middle school on campus, as they transitioned from losing the spring of their fifth grade year, to sixth grade being nearly entirely online. Fast forward to this year, and there were two entire grades of kids who had never been on campus, and our eighth graders had only spent about three quarters of the year on site as sixth graders. It has been a year of intense transition, as expectations and routines had to be relearned after so much uncertainty. For many, it is still a season of recovery from loss. In all of this, our task has been to come alongside kids and help them reacclimate to school in classrooms, and navigate extreme restrictions and rules for safety that have gradually gone away as we have made our way to this point in the year. Sometimes, I have to remind myself of all that these kiddos have been dealing with as they have returned to us in-person. It is my hope that as we close out this year, we can look back and see the Lord’s faithful provision of His strength and help each step of the way. May we ever remember what He has brought us through, and continue to seek Him to provide all that we need for all that lies ahead.

We look to You Lord,

To lead us in love;

For strength and resolve,

To choose care enough.

Help us keep seeking,

Relying on You;

Always You’re faithful,

To strengthen, renew.

Lead us, Lord Jesus,

To rise, finish strong;

To give all we’ve got,

Throughout the day long.

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You that we can seek, look to, and depend on You to strengthen us for all that lies before us. Thank You that Your mercies are new every morning, and that Your faithfulness knows no end. Forgive us for allowing our weariness to determine our resolve. Teach us to lean into You, for You walk beside us and supply all that we need. Show us how to love well as we finish strong. May many come into a lasting relationship with You. Be glorified O God, as we ever seek You and depend on You to strengthen us and lead us in the ways in which we are meant to go. Amen.

© Shannon Elizabeth Grabrick and Revelations in Writing, May 2011 – present

Search for the Lord and for His strength; seek His face always. – 1 Chronicles 16:11