God is… (Day 17 – A Miracle Worker)

You are the God who performs miracles; You display Your power among the peoples. – (Psalm 77:14, NIV)

You are the God who does amazing things. You showed the nations Your great power. – (Psalm 77:14, ERV)

You, God, and Your works evoke wonder. You have proved Your strength to the nations. – (Psalm 77:14, VOICE)

God is a miracle worker. It takes little time to look around in awe and wonder to recognize the miraculous found in the Divine. Life and light, health and hope, creation and the created – all are evidence of the miracles God does each day. His miracles are not limited to the few that are mentioned in the Bible, for they are found in all places throughout the ages. Yes, parting the sea, turning water into wine, raising the dead to life, and healings infirmities and illness were huge miracles that cannot be denied, yet the birth of a new baby, a heart transformed to love, and ways being made where the way seemed impossible, are all modern-day miracles we get to witness. God still works wonders, we simply have to be aware and listen to discover all that He is doing. In my life thus far, I cannot even count the miracles of God that I have witnessed. Two of my favorites are my twins. Born prematurely, the only challenge they had was that their lungs needed to develop. They were on oxygen for nearly five weeks, but they were able to be weaned from it within hours of each other, and I was able to bring them both home together. That alone, was miraculous, as there was a significant discrepancy in their size at birth. Both grew and thrived, and each are successfully navigating their way into adulthood. They are intelligent, kind, and loving, and are both thriving as they work to complete their college education so that they can pursue careers in areas of interest to them. I have seen God’s hand and His provision every step of the way. May we ever seek the Lord, our Miracle Worker, and trust that He will make the way for us to press on and do all that He is calling us to do.

Miracles abound,

throughout each new day;

our life, the sunrise,

how God makes the way.

Each day that we wake,

we witness His grace;

His touch all around,

as we walk His way.

How the sun rises,

and how the rain falls;

the birth of new life,

and strength to stand tall.

He still makes a way,

through impossible;

the Lord is greater,

our path crossable.

He changes our hearts,

to supple from stone;

where cold once was found,

He makes His warmth known.

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You that You are the Miracle Worker that makes a way throughout our whole life. Thank You for the miracles all around us. Forgive us for the times that we lose our awe and wonder at who You are and all that You have done. Renew our sight so that we would recognize the miracles all around us every day, and give You thanks and praise for Your incredible and gracious ways. Show us how to love those around us well. May many come into a lasting relationship with You. Be glorified O God, as we praise You for the miracle of life and living, and give You thanks for all that You keep giving. Amen.

© Shannon Elizabeth Grabrick and Revelations in Writing, May 2011 – present

Jesus turned and saw her. “Take heart, daughter,” He said, “Your faith has healed you.” And the woman was healed at that moment. – Matthew 9:22