Prayers of Gratitude

I give thanks to my God for every remembrance of you, always praying with joy for all of you in my every prayer, because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now. – (Philippians 1:3-5, HCSB)

I thank God every time I remember you. And I always pray for all of you with joy. I thank God for the help you gave me while I told people the Good News. You helped from the first day you believed until now. – (Philippians 1:3-5, ERV)

Whenever you cross my mind, I thank my God for you and for the gift of knowing you. My spirit is lightened with joy whenever I pray for you (and I do constantly) because you have partnered with me to spread the gospel since the first day I preached to you. – (Philippians 1:3-5, VOICE)

Yesterday, we had a send off for our pastors as they served their last Sunday at Grace. It is always bittersweet when pastors are called to a new assignment, and this change of position is no exception. Pastor Omar began his sermon yesterday with this, (or a similar passage), and I know it truly is the heart of he and Misty. The two jumped in from day one, investing in the lives of those in our church and our community. I know everyone has stories they can tell of their faithfulness and love, and my household is no exception. The two entered into our lives when my husband and I were dating, and were the ones who counseled us and then married us. Later, they were an integral part of those who stepped in to help transport my teens to places they needed to go while I was away for a few months to help my mom, after a significant, life-altering medical emergency. Later, when one of our kids was struggling, they welcomed and encouraged him as he discovered the depth of God’s love for him and the power of friendships that are rooted in love and grace. There have been countless times that one, the other, or both of them checked in with, encouraged, challenged, and loved each of us. Our lives are better because God brought them in. Though it is sad to see them go, I know that God will be using them for even greater things in their new assignments. As a bonus, they will remain local, so they will still be nearby. What I have learned as I reflect on each of the three sets of senior pastors I have known at Grace, I can see clearly the blessing each couple was in my life in different seasons. Though we know not who the new pastors will be, I know that God will do wonderful things both in and through them. My prayers will be of thanksgiving as I remember, and of blessing and protection as they go forth into the new. May we ever thank God for His goodness and His provision of the right people to rise up and lead and speak to the spaces of our heart that most need to hear.

I always thank God,

when I think of you;

your faithful kindness,

and care that is true.

You loved and you served,

with goodness and grace;

your lives had impact,

on all in this place.

Now as you go forth,

as you have been called;

you’re loved and covered,

in these city walls. (and beyond)

All thanks to the Lord,

Who knows ev’ry need;

supplies in His love,

so His ways succeed.

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for the gift of pastors in our lives, for they are people whom You bring for a season and a reason, as all seek to grow closer to You. Thank You for the gift that the Laras have been to Federal Way, to Grace, and to our family. Forgive us for not thanking You enough and for not covering those whom You have called to lead as much as we ought to. Quicken to our minds and hearts to pray continually for those whom You have called. Show us how to love and care for others well, much in the same way that You care for each of us. May many come into a lasting relationship with You. Be glorified O God, as we thank You continually and lift up those whom You have placed in our lives to lead. Amen.

© Shannon Elizabeth Grabrick and Revelations in Writing, May 2011 – present

I always thank my God for you because of God’s grace given to you in Christ Jesus, that by Him you were enriched in everything – in all speech and all knowledge. – 1 Corinthians 1:4-5

Choose Trust

Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God. – (Psalm 20:7, NIV)

Some give credit for victory to their chariots and soldiers, but we honor the Lord our God. – (Psalm 20:7, ERV)

Many put their hope in chariots, others in horses, but we place our trust in the name of the Eternal One, our True God. – (Psalm 20:7, VOICE)

I imagine the modern equivalent would be to trust in weapons or technology, rather than trusting in God. In actuality, anytime that something good transpires we ought to give our thanks to God. When we have victories and overcome obstacles, our first thought ought to be to thank God for His goodness, strength, and provision. Our battles are seldom like those of David’s, yet the faithfulness of God remains the same. The same God who equipped David for battle, is He who empowers us to face the trials that come our way. God’s love and faithfulness are far greater than the challenges that we endure, even when we do not understand. May we ever place our hope in God and trust in His faithfulness, for He will lead us through every challenge and strengthen us to persevere.

Choose trust in the Lord,

for He is so good;

our Hope and our Help,

where love’s understood.

He grants us the strength,

we need for each day;

He makes plain the path,

to not go astray.

Each of our triumphs,

are thanks to the Lord;

His peace that’s promised,

as grace is outpoured.

May we in all things,

give God all our praise;

the glory is His,

throughout all our days.

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You that You are forever faithful to be with us as we call on Your Name. Thank You that everything good in our lives is a gift from You. Thank You that every battle we have won and every obstacle overcome has been because of You. Forgive us for the times that we have trusted or given thanks to anything or anyone else for what You have done in our lives. Teach us to trust and acknowledge You in all things and at all times. Show us how to love those around us in ways that they see You through what is given. May many come into a lasting relationship with You. Be glorified O God, as we choose trust in You in all things and give Your praise for every good thing in our lives. Amen.

© Shannon Elizabeth Grabrick and Revelations in Writing, May 2011 – present

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your path straight. – Proverbs 3:5

Hearts Full of Praise

He answered, “I tell you, if they were to keep silent, the stones would cry out!” – (Luke 19:40, HCSB)

But Jesus answered, “I tell you, if my followers didn’t say them, these stones would shout them.” – (Luke 19:40, ERV)

But He said, “If they kept quiet, the stones would do it for them, shouting praise.” – (Luke 19:40, MSG)

During Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem, His followers, who were many, began to praise God for all the miracles that they had seen through Jesus. The Pharisees in the crowd told Jesus to rebuke His disciples and the verse above is how He responded. We were made to praise. The more we see and know and understand who God is and how He loves, we cannot help but praise Him. All of creation testifies of His goodness, and so should we. Every act of kindness, each encouraging word, all of the smiles at strangers – everything we do that is driven by His love, testifies of His goodness in our lives. May we be intentional to live His love out loud in our lives, and honor Him through all that we say and do.

We are made to praise,

Give thanks to the Lord;

For all of His love,

And grace He affords.

If we do not speak,

Represent His love;

The rocks will cry out,

Praise the Lord above.

So, seek to praise Him,

With all that we do;

May all be in love,

Represent Him true.

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You that You are worthy of all of our thanks and praise. Thank You that You sent Your Son to show us how deeply and completely You know and love us all. Forgive us for our lack of praise or lack of love as we walk out our days. Teach us to live and love as You intended. Show us how to love those around us in such a way that all that we do and say demonstrates who You are and how completely You love. May many come into a lasting relationship with You. Be glorified O God, as we live out our days with hearts full of praise. Amen.

© Shannon Elizabeth Grabrick and Revelations in Writing, May 2011 – present

The heavens tell about the glory of God. The skies announce what His hands have made. – Psalm 19:1

Statements of Praise


Let them give thanks to the Lord for His unfailing love and His wonderful deeds for mankind. – (Psalm 107:8, NIV)

Thank the Lord for His faithful love and for the amazing things He does for people. – (Psalm 107:8, ERV)

So lift your hands and thank God for His marvelous kindness and for all His miracles of mercy for those He loves. – (Psalm 107:8, TPT)


Any time that there is repetition in scripture, I recognize the need to take notice. In this particular Psalm, the same sentence is repeated four times by David, as he tells of a long list of God’s faithfulness to those who belonged to Him. I imagine many of us, particularly in this season, could create our own list of ways that God has shown His unfailing love and mercy, and follow each remembrance with a statement of praise. For me, in spite of much heaviness that has found our household this year, there has been in equal measure, God’s faithful provision, joy, peace, comfort, and abundant blessing. Perhaps it is why I so often find myself settling in the Psalms, as David understood the highest heights and the deepest depths, yet sought the Lord and praised Him through it all. He was human and fell short, yet searched for God, and was receptive to the Lord’s correcting and redirecting as he continued to move forward and give thanks. May we ever give thanks to the Lord for His unfailing love and His miracles of mercy that He pours out upon those whom He calls His own.


When life knocks us down,Statements of Praise

Takes wind from our sails;

The Lord’s love and grace,

Comes near, never fails.

In seasons of loss,

Struggle and heartache;

The Lord’s love remains,

And miracles take.

Where blessings abound,

And grace is made known;

Again, it’s God’s love,

And His power shown.

Rise up and give thanks,

For love that won’t end;

For wonderful deeds,

That move God’s love in.


Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for Your unfailing love and for the wonderful things that You do for those who follow You. Thank You that You hear our prayers and move mightily on our behalf. Thank You that Your power is made perfect in our weakness. Forgive us for allowing discouragement or sorrow to cause us to question Your love or care for us. Teach us to trust You through every high and low, as You remain present through all things at all times. Show us how to love those around us well, so that we may make Your unfailing love and marvelous kindness tangible in spaces where it is difficult to access. May many come into a lasting relationship with You. Be glorified O God, as we give You praise for Your unfailing love and Your miraculous deeds, done on our behalf. Amen.


© Shannon Elizabeth Grabrick and Revelations in Writing, May 2011 – present


Now, our God, we give You thanks, and praise Your glorious name. – 1 Chronicles 29:13

Give Thanks to the Lord

Give Thanks to the LordGive thanks to the Lord,

for He is so good;

His love will always

remain as it should.

A love unfailing,

great deeds for His own;

He satisfies thirst,

feeds hunger that’s known.

For those in darkness,

who call out to Him;

He breaks away chains,

brings light to what’s grim.

Give thanks to the Lord,

for His gracious deeds;

for the freedom brought

to captives in need.

Those in rebellion,

who’re suffering so;

cry out to the Lord,

afflictions will go.

Give thanks to the Lord,

for His healing hand;

with songs of great joy,

praise Him for His plans.

For those in the storm,

where peril surrounds;

cry out to the Lord,

so lost may be found.

Give thanks to the Lord,

for He calms the storms;

with a single word,

new hope shall be born.

The afflicted are healed,

the needy are saved;

the upright see God,

and give Him all praise.

(Responding to Psalm 107)

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You that Your love for us is unfailing and unfathomable. While we were Your enemies in darkness, You chose to love us and send Your only Son to be our light, our hope, and our salvation. Thank You that though we deserve it not, You lavish us with Your love. Forgive us Father, for our rebellious hearts, and please help us to firmly fix our eyes on You. Let us live out our days in the light of Your love, and may many be led unto You as a result of our obedience. All praise and thanks to You, Lord. Amen.

© Shannon Elizabeth Moreno and Revelations in Writing, May 2011 – present