A Season Anew

There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens. – (Ecclesiastes 3:1, NIV) 

There is a right time for everything, and everything on earth will happen at the right time. – (Ecclesiastes 3:1, ERV) 

There’s an opportune time to do things, a right time for everything on the earth. – (Ecclesiastes 3:1, MSG) 

This is a crazy reality right now. In fact, it has been so for a little over a year now. One event can overturn the direction you had imagined yourself walking, yet in the midst of it, there is an awareness and a peace that you are where you need to be, despite how different things are than you thought they would be. For me and my family, my mom’s stroke created a new season for all of us. Because I had plenty of sick leave and the FMLA Laws provide time, I was able to go and spend an extended season in Wenatchee with my mom, in the early months of her recovery. My sister, was able to travel back and forth during that time, to ultimately prepare for the next season, where mom would go and live with she and her family. As mom regained strength and mobility, we recognized her time away from her own community needed to end. When mom moved back to Wenatchee, she began a time of reconnecting with her dearest friends, attending her own church, and discovering what she could accomplish on her own in a safe environment. Then, the COVID-19 lockdowns began to take place in senior living communities. The freedoms that mom had been enjoying, were suddenly removed. Additionally, we are not allowed to visit, as access is restricted to all who live or work in that community, only. Incredibly, despite having her social life seemingly snatched from her grasp, right there in her own town, mom continues to be incredibly positive, working tirelessly on her walking and reaching out to call those whom she wishes she could see, in her circle. What is my point in all this? Well, I guess the greatest observation is simply that there is a season for everything, but it is not necessarily when we think it ought to be. Last spring and summer looked far different than I had imagined, but it was the right time to be in that space. Now, a year later, we are heading into our third month of stay-at-home orders. Again, not at all what I envisioned with two seniors graduating, and all of the activities and celebrations slated to take place senior year, but God is good, and is present, despite the losses we are grieving. In this space, we wait and trust, knowing that God is good and that there will be a season again soon, where we can see and spend time with those whom we are missing. May we seek the Lord and trust His timing, for His plans for us are good. 

There will be a time, 

A season anew; 

When things we have hoped, 

Will at last come true. 

A time to gather, 

To join, reconvene; 

Where all will make sense, 

God’s good will be seen. 

While in this season, 

Of wait and we’ll see; 

Choose trust in Jesus, 

For what’s yet to be. 

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You that even in this, we can recognize that there are seasons of waiting and seasons of moving out into the new. Thank You that the two can happen simultaneously in You. Forgive us for our frustration in seasons of waiting, or times where what we are walking through looks different than what we had hoped or imagined. Teach us to trust You and Your ability to work all things together for good. Show us how to love those around us in this season of waiting. May many come into a lasting relationship with You, for You are always present and prepared to supply whatever we need. Be glorified O God, as we trust Your timing for all that lies ahead, knowing that Your plans and purposes are for good. Amen. 

© Shannon Elizabeth Grabrick and Revelations in Writing, May 2011 – present

Those who know Your Name trust in You, for You, Lord, have never forsaken those who seek You. – Psalm 9:10

Ponder the Wonderful Things

I will consider all Your works and meditate on all Your mighty deeds. – (Psalm 77:12, NIV)

I’ll ponder all the things You’ve accomplished, and give a long, loving look at Your acts. – (Psalm 77:12, MSG)

I ponder all You’ve done, Lord, musing on all Your miracles. – (Psalm 77:12, TPT)


Though I have spent much time pondering the things that God has done, especially over the last three and a half months, today is a perfect day to really recognize the mighty miracles of God, as mom and I spend our last full day together. Tomorrow, I return home to Federal Way, and mom will begin her journey in Albany, Oregon. It will be a strange separation for both of us, yet a well-timed return to my family and an opportunity for mom to spend time with my sister and her family as well.

First, the greatest gift and mightiest miracle is that mom is still here with us. The circumstances surrounding her stroke were a bit horrifying, as she was alone for three days before she was found. God, in His faithfulness, held and sustained her, protecting her life and quickening our hearts to call emergency services to do a wellness check. Already, mom has regained much of what was initially lost following the stroke. When we first arrived, her voice was so soft, it was barely audible, and words were very difficult for her to find. She had no control of the right side of her body, and was restricted in swallowing and positioning, as well as in a space of needing a bit of oxygen at night, due to the damage done. Since that time, her dietary restrictions were quickly lifted, as any swallowing concerns dissipated rapidly, and likewise did the need for oxygen. I have had the incredible blessing of watching her healing unfold. Mom has gone from no movement on her right side, to now being able to walk up and down her hallway with a platform walker, and navigate her front porch steps and into the grass with a hemi-walker. Her healing has come not all at once, but in small victories, one day at a time. Though seemingly painfully slow, to look back, it is a wonder to ponder all that He has accomplished. The thing that I remind her of most often when she becomes discouraged with the pace, is that it takes a baby a year to learn to walk, and here she is, a bit more than three months post-stroke, walking with a walker and tackling stairs! Way ahead of the curve. 😊 Additionally, God has blessed my relationship with my mom. Though we have always been close, He has orchestrated an opportunity for a tenderness that has not been present since I was small. My mom is an inspiration, and one of my reasons to live this life well.

Tomorrow will be a travel day for all of us, with me leaving in the early morning to head home, unload the car, then drive with my husband another hundred-plus miles to Anacortes to pick up my boys from their long cruise. Meanwhile, mom, Megan and Scott will be traveling the seven-plus hours to Albany, after loading and doing all of the final preparations for closing mom’s home for the season. Please join us in praying for traveling mercies, especially for mom, as she is a bit nervous to ride in a car for so many hours.

May we all take pause and ponder all of the wonderful things that God has done, for He is for us, and He ultimately uses all things for good.


The Lord, He is good, img_2019-08-09_07-20-292830600631577744291.jpg

In all of His ways;

He blesses, protects,

Throughout all our days.

God moves the mountains,

That stand in our way;

Or shows us the route,

The path, He’ll display.

Mighty miracles,

We cannot repay;

Instead we give thanks,

And ponder His grace.


Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for the countless ways that You love us, bless us and protect us. Thank You for all that we have to remember and ponder because You are so loving and kind. Forgive us for the times that we get caught up in the chaos of what lies before us, and do not take pause to ponder Your faithfulness that has always been with us prior. Teach us to remember so that we trust You more. Show us how to love those around us in a way that extends grace and faithfulness, and inspires faith in Your goodness. May many come into a lasting relationship with You. Be glorified O God, as we ponder the many miracles that You have done, and all that is yet to come. Amen.


© Shannon Elizabeth Grabrick and Revelations in Writing, May 2011 – present


I remember the days of long ago; I meditate on all Your works and consider what Your hands have done. – Psalm 143:5