Strengthened With Power

May you be strengthened with all power, according to His glorious might, for all endurance and patience, with joy. – (Colossians 1:11, HCSB)

(We pray) that God will strengthen you with His own great power, so that you will be patient and not give up when trouble comes. Then you will be happy. – (Colossians 1:11, ERV)

And we pray that you would be energized with all His explosive power from the realm of His magnificent glory, filling you with great hope. – (Colossians 1:11,TPT)

I am so thankful that it is Friday, as the few weeks leading up to Thanksgiving seem especially long. To be energized and filled with hope is the prayer I have for myself and all those around me. Joy comes as we persevere, even when things are difficult. May we ever seek the Lord to strengthen and empower us with patient endurance so that we press on with great hope. 

O Lord, as we come,

Photo by kinkate on

Seeking You for strength;

Lead us and guide us,

Grow patience at length.

Grant us endurance,

To keep pressing on;

Be the strength we need,

When we don’t feel strong.

Through perseverance,

We come to know joy;

You graciously give,

With You our hearts join.

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You that as we seek You, You strengthen us with Your power so that we have strength and resolve to persevere and discover the joy found in Your heavenly hope. Forgive us for our discouragement when we are depleted. Teach us to turn to You to strengthen and lead us in Your love. Show us how to love those around us well, so that they too may be strengthened in You. May many come into a lasting relationship with You. Be glorified O God, as we seek You and rely on You to supply all that we need. Amen.

© Shannon Elizabeth Grabrick and Revelations in Writing, May 2011 – present

But You, Lord, don’t be far away. My Strength, come quickly to help me. – Psalm 22:19

Nothing I Desire Compares

Whom have I in heaven but You? And earth has nothing I desire besides You. – (Psalm 73:25)


The only thing that lasts, consequently, the only thing that matters, is Christ. What we have in Him, is all that lasts forever, therefore our relationship with our Redeemer ought to be our priority. If we are prioritizing as directed by the Lord, we will love God and love people. The stuff of earth will matter not, as people and what is possible for each of us through Him, will become our priority. I am not there yet… I love God and love people, yet I do like things too. It is nice to find a great deal on something new, or to receive something that has been hoped for.


Perhaps the most important point is to examine our heart and determine whether the stuff is getting in the way of loving God and loving people. If our hope is securely grounded in Christ, and we can keep proper perspective that there is NOTHING that compares to Him, then I think we are heading in the right direction. May we hold fast to our hope in Christ in heaven, and let no desire on Earth come before Him.


Let us hold on tight,Forgiveness is Free

to heavenly hope;

our place that’s secure,

no other life boat.

For Christ never fails,

His grace is made new;

there’s nothing on earth,

that compares to You.

O God fix our eyes,

on what concerns You;

let’s love each other,

as we see You do.


Dear Heavenly Father, thank You that You are are hope in heaven and our present help on earth. Thank You that there is nothing that compares in heaven or on earth, to Your love and grace. Forgive us for seeking after anything else before You, and help us to prioritize You in all things and at all times. Teach us to trust You more, so that our actions demonstrate our love for You. Lead us to love others as You so perfectly love each of us. May many come into a lasting relationship with You. Be glorified O God, as we hold fast to our hope for both now and forever in You. Amen.

© Shannon Elizabeth Moreno and Revelations in Writing, May 2011 – present.

They will celebrate Your abundant goodness and joyfully sing of Your righteousness. – Psalm 145:7

He Shows the Way

He’s given instructions,

not a great mystery;

He leads us and guides us,

by His Spirit, holy.

His word shows us the way,

unto Him, we’re restored;

lights doors we should walk through,

and sin meant to abhor.

Stay true to His teachings,

for it is the way true;

if we listen closely,

we’ll know what we’re to do.

Led by Spirit, we’ll rise;

and we shall see His face;

the faithful are welcomed,

in His heavenly place.

Unto overcomers,

those who’re true to the end;

authority granted,

to the nations, He’ll send.

“To him who overcomes and does my will to the end, I will give authority over the nations.” – (Revelation 2:26)

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You that You have provided all that we need to walk in surrendered obedience to You. Thank You for Your word that is alive and active – ever changing and refining us – as we allow the truth to set us free. Thank You for Your Holy Spirit, who reveals to us, things that we would not otherwise know. Thank You that as we live submitted to You, You remind us of our heavenly hope that You are preparing for all who believe. Forgive us for the times that we either ignore or run from Your still small voice, and help us to hear and heed Your every word. Lead us and guide us so that we may be overcomers in You, and may many come to call You King, as they see You through Your light and love that dwells within us. Be our strength and our song, no matter what comes our way. Thank You that You are always good. Amen.

Anne update: I spoke with the on-duty doctor yesterday evening, and he said that Anne should be stable enough to release today. His concern is for her well-being, as she needs more help that she has. Please pray with me that God would strengthen and heal her, and in the meantime, He will raise up a network of friends to provide care. Thank You Jesus, for the wonderful work You are doing in and for Anne. Amen.

© Shannon Elizabeth Moreno and Revelations in Writing, May 2011 – present

To Choose Love

True wisdom is found

image by Green Monkey Tales

image by Green Monkey Tales

not by man’s own accord,

but rather through time,

spent loving the Lord.

For knowledge puffs up,

points only to man;

but love, it builds up,

showing God’s perfect plan.

Though we have freedom,

we must be aware,

will our choice throw off,

and become a snare?

For those who are weak

or new in their walk,

might they go astray,

by our actions or talk?

Far better to fast,

things which we consume,

than to make a choice,

that sways someone to doom.

(Responding to I Corinthians 8)

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You that You choose love.  When You created, You loved.  When You sent Your Son to bear the burden of our brokenness, You loved.  Thank You that each new day that You cause the sun to rise again, You love.  Forgive us for our selfishness that keeps us from making decisions based on anything other than love.  Lead us Lord, so that we might love and care for one another as You love and care for us.  May many hearts hear of Your heavenly hope as we move in Your love today.  Amen.

© Shannon Elizabeth Moreno and Revelations in Writing, May 2011 – present

Storms, Shipwrecks, Snakes and Strangers

“But Paul shook the snake off into the fire and suffered no ill effects.” – Acts 28:5

photo by Desi Colours

The context of this verse is when Paul was on his way to appear before Caesar and the crew of the ship on which he was sailing insisted on continuing in dangerous seas, despite Paul’s warning.  All those aboard made it safely to shore when the ship was wrecked, and they were welcomed by the locals upon arrival.  After that ordeal, as Paul was gathering wood to place on the fire, a viper latched onto his hand.  Can you imagine the scene unfolding as the locals and the ship’s crew looked on in horror?  Paul, in full faith that his Heavenly Father was holding him, calmly shook the snake from his hand into the fire, and carried on as if nothing out of the ordinary had occurred.  The onlookers watched and waited for the toxic venom to take effect.  Expecting any moment for the man before them to drop dead, I can only imagine the awe and wonder that was developing, as no harm nor ill effect inflicted Paul.
                                                                                                                                                                                             What this particular account of Paul’s journey provides for me is the reminder that what God has promised, He will be faithful to fulfill.  Though storms and shipwrecks, snakes and strangers might happen between the promise and the fulfillment, God will always be true to His word.  He equips us with strength to survive the storms and the resilience to dance in the rain.  He reminds us of His redemption when our minds need renewing, and His grace grows our gumption to keep going.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Dear Heavenly Father, thank You that You are ALWAYS faithful to do as You say You will do.  Thank You that “neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from Your love that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Romans 8:38-39)  Forgive us for our faith that falters in the floods, and form in us a firm foundation of forever faith in You, that does not sway when the storms come.  Teach us to trust You to be our safe harbor, and our heavenly hope that holds fast in our hearts.  Heal the hurting and help our hope to be contagious.  Amen.
© Shannon Elizabeth Moreno and Revelations in Writing, May 2011 – present

Forever Found are the Firm in Faith

“By standing firm you will gain life.” – Luke 21:19

“Stay with it to the end.  You won’t be sorry; you’ll be saved.” – (The Message)

These words were spoken by Jesus, in reference to the end of days.  However, they also apply to how we are meant to live our lives in the here and now, so that the hope of heaven is ours to hold.

When we come to Jesus, we are joined together with His Holy Spirit and held in the hollow of His hands.  As we recognize the remarkable redemption that we have received, we are compelled to cling to Christ.  When we lay hold of the wonder and allow Him to heal our hearts, He plants our feet on His firm foundation, so that we might stand strong as the storms come.  Regardless of what occurs in this life, our hope to hold is in His hands, not our circumstance.  If we remain focused on our Heavenly Father, and stand strong in the assurance of our salvation; all that He has prepared, will be presented unto us.

Though lives are lost to earthly things, our spirit is eternal and will enter into either the permanent presence of the Prince of Peace, or will be condemned to the fiery furnace, fueled by the father of lies.

What we do with our dash, the time gifted to us by God between the birth and death of our body, determines our ultimate destination.  Stand firm, sweet friends, for our Father in heaven hears our hearts, and is always ready to supply what is required to remain reliant on Him.  His gift of grace is given freely, we are simply summoned to receive it, and remember from whom it has been granted.

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for Your forever faithfulness.  Thank You that You hold us and help us, so that we may stand strong in You unto the end of our days.  Teach us to trust in You, no matter the mess that surrounds us.  May every heart who calls on Your Name, know the goodness and grace that You give freely to all who put their trust in You.  As we stand firm in You, Father, by Your supplied strength, may many come to know and trust in You.  Lead us Lord, to share the hope and the help held in You, so that sorrows will sink, and in salvation we may all stand strong until we see You face-to-face forever.  Amen.

© Shannon Elizabeth Moreno and Revelations in Writing, May 2011 – present

Hope Happens in Him

Revelation 13 speaks of a time that I pray I will never see with my own eyes.  However, despite the destruction and deplorable times that are yet to come, there is great hope and encouragement for all who believe in Him.

In Revelation 13:10, there is reference back to the exhortation given in Hebrews 6:12 – “We do not want you to become lazy, but to imitate those who through faith and patience inherit what has been promised.”

Though the things of this world can be dark and dismal, we must remember that this is not our home.  Our time here is finite, whereas our ultimate destination is eternal.  What we do with this life matters, as it determines our location for the next.  We must be intentional and diligent in our walk with Him, as He alone provides the patience and faith necessary to navigate a life lived in the grip of His grace.

There are days that I would prefer to sleep or run off rather than press on, yet I have found that He is always faithful to His promise to be present when I press past all that hinders me, and seek only Him.  I need His sustenance to be my strength.

Our eternal inheritance is well worth the temporary discomforts dispensed by the sinful state of humanity in our fallen world.

He forgives, forgets, and grants a fresh start to all who ask.  His mercies are made new every morning!

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You that in You, we have nothing to fear, despite the destruction all around us.  Please grant us the grace and tenacity to move mightily in purpose and in truth.  Teach us to trust You always.  May Your love be lavished on others as we are obedient to do all that You are asking.  Amen.

© Shannon Elizabeth Moreno and Revelations in Writing, May 2011 – present

Purposeful Prayer and Petition

photo by Hope and Love

“My prayer is not for them alone.  I pray also for those who will believe in Me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as You are in Me and I am in You.  May they also be in us so that the world may believe that You have sent Me.  I have given them the glory that You gave me, that they may be one as We are One.  I in them and You in Me.  May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that You sent Me and have loved them even as You have loved Me.” – John 17:20-23

“I’m praying not only for them but also for those who believe in Me because of them and their witness about Me.  The goal is for all of them to become one heart and mind – just as You, Father, are in Me and I in You, so they might be one heart and mind with Us.  Then the world might believe that You, in fact, sent Me.  The same glory You gave Me, I gave them, so they’ll be as unified and together as We are – I in them and You in Me.  Then they’ll be mature in this oneness, and give the godless world evidence that You’ve sent Me and loved them in the same way You’ve loved Me.” – (The Message)

Jesus prayed this prayer just prior to His arrest.  His hope and prayer was that all who followed Him (the they and them above, that is us), would be united in purpose to pass on our heavenly hope, held in a relationship with our Redeemer, so that by His sacrifice on our behalf, we may come to know and love Him, and forever be found in His presence.  The glory He has given to all who believe, is the presence of His Holy Spirit – housed within us to equip, enlighten, and empower, so that we too, might love as He has loved us.

Dear Jesus, thank You that even in the mere moments before Your arrest that would lead to Your death (and resurrection!), Your heart held prayers to our Father for all who had found and would find faith to believe, that we might be united together in You.  Teach me Lord, how to walk united in heart and purpose with You and Your people, as we present Your plan in a way that is pleasing unto You.  Lead us to love You and each other, just as You have loved us.  Amen.

© Shannon Elizabeth Moreno and Revelations in Writing, May 2011 – present