Modeling Our Maker – The Beauty of Mothers

The Lord is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in love. – (Psalm 145:8)


These four attributes of God, are characteristics that I am grateful to understand cleary, as they have been modeled well by my mother. Her mother, my grandmother, is also a woman with a heart after the Lord, who demonstrates grace and compassion, is slow to anger and abounds in love.


Our heritage to pass on, is dictated by how we live. If we want our children to extend grace to others, we must be quick to be gracious with them. Compassion for others is learned through modeling a life that loves and serves where needs are seen. Though some have shorter fuses that others, we can teach kids how to cope with anger and frustration, so that they learn how to respond appropriately, rather than lashing out at the onset. When love is abundantly given, it cannot help but spill over to all who are around the one who is lavished in love. The amazing grace of God covers all of our shortcomings, and He can grow in each of us, His heart for others, and His attributes, even if they were not modeled for us. May we each go forth with grace and compassion, being slow to anger and generous in love.


In the heart of those,Modeling Our Maker

who will heed His call;

He pours out His love,

extends grace to all.

These priceless treasures,

there are none other;

than the one He gave,

whom we call Mother.

Be it by our birth,

or through sacrifice;

she’s the one who loves,

us for our whole life.

For those in spirit,

who in love, speak truth;

who walk beside us,

grant grace each day, new.

Thank You, dear Jesus,

for the moms You give;

Your blessings made known,

of how we’re to live.


Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for the beautiful blessing that mothers are in our lives. Thank You for the privilege that it is to be a mom. Thank You that You provide spiritual moms for those who don’t have access to mothers who know You, or who are not nearby. Thank You that You are gracious and compassionate, patient and loving. Thank You that You birth in us, as believers, the very same attributes. Forgive us for not extending grace where we should have, for lacking compassion where it was needed, for growing angry quickly when we ought not have, and for not extending Your lavish love to all whom we encounter. Teach us to trust You more and to move mightily in the love and the grace that You so lavishly give. May many come to know You through the kindness we extend. Be glorified in all that we say and do. Amen.

© Shannon Elizabeth Moreno and Revelations in Writing, May 2011 – present.

Surely God is my help; the Lord is the One who sustains me. – Psalm 54:4



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