He Looks into the Heart

But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” – (1 Samuel 16:7, NIV)

But the Lord said to Samuel, “Eliab is tall and handsome, but don’t judge by things like that. God doesn’t look at what people see. People judge by what is on the outside, but the Lord looks at the heart. Eliab is not the right man.” – (1 Samuel 16:7, ERV)

But God told Samuel, “Looks aren’t everything. Don’t be impressed with his looks and stature. I’ve already eliminated him. God judges persons differently than humans do. Men and women look at the face; God looks into the heart.” – (1 Samuel 16:7, MSG)

God had called Samuel to anoint a new king. Jesse presented seven of his sons to Samuel, thinking that surely one of them must be the one Samuel was looking to make king. However, that is not how the story goes. After the seven sons had been seen by Samuel, he asked Jesse if he had any other sons. Jesse let him know there was one more, but he was out tending the sheep. As the story unfolds, David is the shepherd boy whom Samuel sees and then anoints as king. What the others did not see in David, God saw and knew and honored. David was strong and unafraid, for he often fought off wild animals to protect the sheep, and he had a heart to worship, as he was later known for his songs of both praise and lament that we find throughout the Psalms. There is much more to David’s story, but the gist is that God saw and knew his heart. It is no different for us. God sees and knows us, and His plans for us are best. God knows the potential and giftings within us, and intends to set us in spaces where we can use them best to honor Him. I know not what that might mean for me, but I do know that God is good and has a plan and a purpose for my life. The thing is, His ways are not our ways, and His thoughts are so much higher than ours. Even if the direction that He seems to be leading us appears to be at a standstill, He is good and is still working. May we ever praise God for His goodness and love, and give Him thanks that He looks into our hearts and knows what is best.

O Lord, we praise You,

for all that You do;

Your ways are higher,

and Your word is true.

I trust You anew,

each day as I rise;

Your goodness surrounds,

our Hope realized.

Father, we thank You,

that You are so good;

Your plan for our lives,

make grace understood.

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You that You do not base our worth nor our purpose on the external, but rather You look into our heart and determine what is best for us, individually. Thank You that Your plans and purpose are always good. Forgive us for our impatience when we feel like You are leading us in one direction, yet cannot see how You are moving. Teach us to trust You in the waiting, for David was anointed king when he was a boy, but did not become king until years later. Show us how to love and encourage those around us well. May many come into a lasting relationship with You. Be glorified O God, as we praise You for Your promises and ever trust in who You are and what You say. Amen.

© Shannon Elizabeth Grabrick and Revelations in Writing, May 2011 – present

As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts. – Isaiah 55:9