He Sees

She gave this name to the Lord who spoke to her: “You are the God who sees me,” for she said, “I have now seen the One who sees me.” – (Genesis 16:13, NIV)

The Lord talked to Hagar. She began to use a new name for God. She said to Him, “You are ‘God Who Sees Me.'” She said this because she thought, “I see that even in this place God sees me and cares for me!” – (Genesis 16:13, ERV)

As a result of this encounter, Hagar decided to give the Eternal One who had spoken to her a special name because He had seen her in her misery. Hagar: I’m going to call You the God of Seeing because in this place I have seen the One who watches over me. – (Genesis 16:13, VOICE)

God’s interaction with Hagar is a wonderful reminder of His care for each of us, individually. He sees and knows our need, and makes His heart for us known as we seek Him. God spoke to Hagar in her space of need, and encouraged her to rise up and press on. For us, He does the same when we look to Him. Our heart is heard and our needs are known and He meets us in our moments with His loving kindness and grace. Though our circumstances may not change, His care and goodness to us will carry us through. Hagar’s circumstances did not change, but her perspective did once she understood the Lord’s care for her. At times, it is difficult to get past the questions as to why we must face and endure the things that come our way. Some people seem to have no obstacles, and then others who do not deserve difficulty and heartache have to endure the most. Thankfully, God is greater than our questions and frustrations. We may not get our answers as to why things happen the way that they do, but He will be present and will provide what we need to press on. His goodness and grace never run out, and His heart for us is one of a loving Father. May we ever seek the Lord in both our struggles and our celebrations, for He is good and is faithful to walk beside us in all things.

Our Holy Father,

is the God who sees;

all that we go through,

and all that we need.

He sees our struggles,

in love, He provides;

His help and His hope,

as we choose abide.

To abide in Him,

means that He is near;

to hear our heartache,

and help us with fear.

His provisions come,

despite what we see;

His presence always,

supplies what we need.

Though answers might not,

explain things we lose;

His love will uphold,

as He’s who we choose.

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You that You are bigger than our challenges and circumstances, and that Your love is larger than our questions and our fears. Thank You that You are big enough to handle our questions and love us through our struggles. Forgive us for our anger and frustration when we cannot make sense of what transpires in our lives and in the lives of those around us. Teach us to cling to You, even when things do not make sense. Thank You for the Biblical examples of how You have made Yourself known and shown Your care for those in need throughout the ages. Lead us to love those around us in tangible ways that make Your heart known to all. May many come into a lasting relationship with You. Be glorified O God, as we seek You and trust You, even when things seem unfair or do not make sense. Amen.

© Shannon Elizabeth Grabrick and Revelations in Writing, May 2011 – present

Though the Lord is exalted, He looks kindly on the lowly; though lofty, He sees them from afar. – Psalm 138:6