Rest in Hope

Rest in God alone, my soul, for my hope comes from Him. – (Psalm 62:5, HCSB)

I must calm down and turn to God; He is my only hope. – (Psalm 62:5, ERV)

My soul waits quietly for the True God alone because I hope in only Him. – (Psalm 62:5, VOICE)

Some mornings, the distractions around me make quiet rest seem impossible. However, as I choose to stay calm and pursue the space I need to seek Him, calm comes close and my heart can hear hope with each new breath. When we are intentional to rest in Him, we are reminded of who God is and how He loves, as He fills us with fresh hope again. In the chaos that spring days can bring, hope is needed to navigate. May we find rest in God, and embrace the grace that He provides to strengthen our hope in Him.

Lord, settle my soul,

As I turn to You;

In quiet, I wait,

As I read Your truth.

You show me that hope,

Is found in the space;

Where we choose to seek,

Your goodness and grace.

Our strength comes from You,

When we seek, we find;

Just how near You are,

And Your love is kind.

Help us find quiet,

Throughout each new day;

As hope is restored,

And love leads the way.

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You that rest and hope come from You. Thank You that You speak to our hearts in the stillness as we seek You, and You fill us with Your hope and love. Forgive us for the times that we allow the noise and distractions to keep us from pressing into You. Teach us to rest in You as You fill and restore hope within us. Lead us to love those around us well. May they find the hope that is held in You alone and enter into a lasting relationship with You. Be glorified O God, as we rest in You and hold fast to the hope we have in You. Amen.

© Shannon Elizabeth Grabrick and Revelations in Writing, May 2011 – present

I wake before the dawn and call for help; I hope in Your words. – Psalm 119:147

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