Time to Grow in Wisdom

Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom. – (Psalm 90:12, NIV) 

Teach us how short our lives are so that we can become wise. – (Psalm 90:12, ERV) 

Help us to remember that our days are numbered, and help us to interpret our lives correctly. Set Your wisdom deeply in our hearts so that we may accept Your correction. – (Psalm 90:12, TPT) 

We have a limited amount of time to be who we are called to be. Wisdom is required to walk out our days well. I don’t know about you, but I know for me, I am acutely aware of my need for wisdom to do that which I am called to do. This is especially evident this year, as we are navigating new territory to teach remotely, then in a hybrid manner, and ultimately, how to transition back to a full schedule on campus. Last spring, we all were in survival mode, doing the very best that we could with what we had. Sadly, there were many students who were unable to participate and engage, and much wisdom will be required to make it work for all students. To be wise is to be willing to take direction and correction, as we continue to learn how to navigate the new. I need Jesus to accelerate my learning, and show me the ways that are His best. My hope is to smoothly start the year, engaging all students and to create a learning community that will translate both online and back in the classroom. Time is short, and there is so much to learn. May we seek the Lord for His wisdom, so that we may make the most of every day that we are given. 

Our time here is short, 

And our days are few; 

We need God’s wisdom, 

To know what to do. 

As we choose seek Him, 

He’s faithful to show; 

What we’re meant to do, 

And how we can grow. 

With a willing heart, 

Investment of time; 

He’ll show us the way, 

Shift our paradigm. 

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You that You meet us and impart Your wisdom as we earnestly seek You. Thank You that as we recognize how limited our time is, You are faithful to show us how to utilize it best. Forgive us for thinking that we have an unlimited amount of time, or for not seeking and pursuing Your wisdom to walk out our days according to Your plans. Show us how to number our days and seek after the wisdom we need from You. Teach us how to love those around us wisely. May many come into a lasting relationship with You. Be glorified O God, as we seek You for wisdom to walk out our days, so that each day that we have matters. Amen. 

© Shannon Elizabeth Grabrick and Revelations in Writing, May 2011 – present

For the Lord gives wisdom; from His mouth come knowledge and understanding. – Proverbs 2:6