Boundless Faithfulness

Your love, Lord, reaches to the heavens, Your faithfulness to the skies. – (Psalm 36:5, NIV)

Lord, Your faithful love reaches to the sky. Your faithfulness is as high as the clouds. – (Psalm 36:5, ERV)

Your love, O Eternal One, towers high into the heavens. Even the skies are lower than Your faithfulness. – (Psalm 36:5, VOICE)

Though exhausted, I am in awe of God’s faithfulness. What was planned as a weekend getaway, turned into an incredible gift of connecting with dear friends. We had merely hoped for a chance to reconnect with some friends that we have known for years, yet it turned into so much more. Both of our full days in Phoenix were spent visiting and catching up with dear ones. Yesterday, we were invited to the home of dear friends from home, whom I have actually known since I was about 20 years old. Their daughter, whom I adore, I have known since she was in the youth group that I helped with as a young adult. She, her husband, and two children were there, and another fantastic couple that I have known since my kids were babies also joined us. The opportunity to visit and catch up with these dear ones breathed life into both my husband and me. There is something amazing about being with people who know your and your heart so well that conversation is easy and without fear of judgement, and all present are able to share. It was a reminder that we all experience the challenges of “real life”, yet the beauty of community that was long ago established, remains. Our time both days was such a clear picture of how God’s faithfulness knows no time or distance, and it remains in friendships that are founded in His boundless love. May we ever seek the Lord to provide opportunities to truly connect in community, and give Him praise for His incredible faithfulness and love.

The goodness of God,

is boundless in love;

evidence of Him,

make clear we’re beloved.

He provides friendships,

that make His heart clear;

brilliant connections,

real talk without fear.

Open hearts and homes,


a wonderous gift,

that was hard to leave.

Thank You, Lord Jesus,

for the gifts You give;

such treasured people,

in this life we live.

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for the gift of time with treasured friends. Thank You that our reuniting for a few hours, is a reminder of how glorious heaven will be. Thank You that the connection we felt, even after much time apart, is but a glimpse of the glory of forever with You. Forgive us for the times that You have tugged at our heart to reach out, yet we ignored the prompting and missed out on the blessings that You bring from such connections. Teach us to listen to Your leading and to invest time and energy into the relationships that You establish. Show us how to love those around us well, and how to be a blessing to the communities that You have set us in, both now and throughout our lives. May many come into a lasting relationship with You, and may we refresh and build up one another as we embrace each new day that You provide. Be glorified O God, as we seek You to show us how to love as You love and to give You thanks for Your never-ending faithfulness that blesses and builds up. Amen.

© Shannon Elizabeth Grabrick and Revelations in Writing, May 2011 – present

I will declare that Your love stands firm forever, that You have established Your faithfulness in heaven itself. – Psalm 89:2