Made New

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away, and look, new things have come. – (2 Corinthians 5:17, HCSB)

When anyone is in Christ, it is a whole new world. The old things are gone; suddenly, everything is new! – (2 Corinthians 5:17, ERV)

Therefore, if anyone is united with the Anointed One, that person is a new creation. The old life is gone – and see – a new life has begun! – (2 Corinthians 5:17, VOICE)

I am so thankful that our renewal in Christ is not a one-time deal, but He is making us new, daily. Just as each new day holds a fresh start, so too, do our hearts as He refines and transforms us to more clearly reflect His love to the world. We will have good days and bad, yet ever He will be working in and through us if we allow Him room to move. Being near the ocean is my favorite, and it is remarkable how vastly different each day can unfold. This morning, I woke to sunshine and blue skies. A few minutes ago, rain blew in and a full double rainbow appeared. Thankfully, the rain is not supposed to stick around, so we will likely stay dry on our last day of exploring. New discoveries and new adventures remind me how we are new in Him. As He makes us new, He shows us the beauty that has come from our brokenness, and the joy that now lives where sorrow once stood. May we ever seek the Lord, who covers us in His righteousness and cleanses us from our sin, as He makes us new so that we can love as He loves us.

When we seek the Lord,

we’re made ever new;

treasured creation,

in me and in you.

He cleanses our hearts,

and renews our minds;

shows us His great love,

for all humankind.

Granted strength and love,

His patience and peace;

the more we seek Him,

we see love increase.

Keep seeking the Lord,

in all that we do;

grant access to all,

it’s how we’re made new.

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You that as we seek You, we are refined and renewed in You. Thank You that You forgive us for our flaws and failures, and make us new in the goodness of Your love. Forgive us for the times that we have tried to make things better on our own, instead of seeking You to forgive and show us the ways that we are meant to go. Lead us in Your love everlasting, so that those around us might be made new in the overwhelming, unrelenting goodness of Your love for us all. May many come into a lasting relationship with You. Be glorified O God, as we seek You and thank You that You are ever making us new. Amen.

© Shannon Elizabeth Grabrick and Revelations in Writing, May 2011 – present

So Christ brings a new agreement from God to His people. He brings this agreement so that those who are chosen by God can have the blessings God promised, blessings that last forever. This can happen only because Christ died to free people from sins committed against the commands of the first agreement. – Hebrews 9:15