His Love Endures Forever

You and I may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith. – (Romans 1:12, NIV)

I mean that I want us to help each other with the faith that we have. Your faith will help me, and my faith will help you. – (Romans 1:12, ERV)

I know that when we come together something beautiful will happen as we are encouraged by each other’s faith. – (Romans 1:12, VOICE)

Though these were Paul’s words to the Roman church, it is the same for us today. We have been created to be in community so that we can encourage and build each other up. Community provides us examples of the faithful, and opportunity to be a similar encouragement to others. Having a circle that surrounds us is the way it ought to be. I am incredibly blessed to have many lifelong friends; people who have known me and walked alongside me through my greatest challenges and my most incredible blessings. There is total acceptance of each other, and an innate ability to hear, know, love, and encourage each other exactly where we are at in life. The other day, I was blessed to walk and talk with a dear, lifelong friend. Though it had been far too long since we had last seen one another in person, we were able to pick right up where we left off, and go deep with one another. We each were able to share our struggles and our praises, and encourage one another as we trust God and press on in the things to which we are called. It is such a blessing to have people in our lives that have no expectation or judgement, but absolutely are a treasure each time we are able to spend time together. I imagine that this is a glimpse of heaven for our hearts, as we will see those who have gone before us, yet will be able to pick up and share with one another as if no time has passed. My heart is full at the way God has provided so many of these glimpses of His goodness this summer. Reconnecting with dear ones, and enjoying sharing life with each other as the opportunities arise. Last evening, we met dear friends for dinner and could have continued our visit for hours more. God is so good, and He knows what our hearts need most. May we ever praise Him for His provision of community with whom we can connect, share life, and encourage. His love endures forever.

To be together,

in community;

what God intended,

for you and for me.

To truly listen,

so each one is known;

and help each other,

as goodness is shown.

We each have something,

uniquely our own;

a gift to others,

as it’s shared and shown.

May we choose engage,

in community;

reach out in His love,

both give and receive.

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for the incredible gift of community. Thank You that in each season of our lives You provide people with whom we can share life and love and encouragement. Thank You that in Your kingdom, time knows no bounds. Thank You that we gain glimpses of this good as we reconnect with friends near and far, no matter how much time has been between visits. Forgive us for not taking each opportunity You present to connect and encourage each other. Teach us to listen to Your leading so that we take every opportunity to both encourage and be encouraged. Help us to love those around us as You do, so that Your heart and encouragement are made tangible. May many come into a lasting relationship with You. Be glorified O God, as we praise You for the gift of mutual encouragement that You provide through those whom You have given to be in our lives, throughout our lives. Amen.

© Shannon Elizabeth Grabrick and Revelations in Writing, May 2011 – present

Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever. – 1 Chronicles 16:34