God is… (Day 21 – Omnipotent)

“I know that You can do all things; no purpose of Yours can be thwarted.” – (Job 42:2, NIV)

“I know You can do everything. You make plans, and nothing can change or stop them.” – (Job 42:2, ERV)

“I know You can do everything; nothing You do can be foiled or frustrated.” – (Job 42:2, VOICE)

“Omnipotence refers to God’s all-powerful character. To say that God is omnipotent is to recognize that there is nothing outside of His ability to accomplish and no one who can exercise power over Him. God created the entire universe, and He holds the power over it.” – (The Basilica) In a world where we, as humans, are acutely aware of our limitations, it is mind-blowing to try to understand the omnipotence of God. He created all that is and was and ever will be, and holds us in the hollow of His hands. To try to set human limitations on an all-powerful God does not align. All that we see and know comes from Him, and God can accomplish all that He determines to do. The Lord created, gave life and breath, parts seas, calms storms, raises the dead, heals the diseased, loves the unlovable, and so much more. What is impossible for us is completely possible to God. Because God is omnipotent, we can trust in Him to be who He says He is and to do what He says He will do. There is much comfort in knowing that the God of the universe is for us as we seek Him and choose to walk in His will. May we ever trust in the omnipotent God, for His power is made perfect in our weakness.

Our Lord and Savior,

Omnipotent God;

all power is His,

perfect, without flaws.

He made all we see,

and things not yet known;

His power too great,

yet we’re called His own.

in Him and through Him,

all is possible;

He can do much more,

than seems plausible.

The wind and the waves,

must do as He says;

He’s greater than all,

creation declares.

Each day’s new sunrise,

reminds us anew;

a fresh beginning,

shows His power’s true.

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You that You are omnipotent, for Your power makes all things possible in You. Thank You that though You are all-powerful and hold the universe in Your hands, You know and love us individually. That alone is beyond our human understanding. Forgive us for somehow setting limits on You as we view what lies before us through our own capacity to comprehend. Teach us to trust You beyond what we see or know, for You are above all things and in all things. Show us how to love those around us in ways that demonstrate the limitless power of Your love. May many come into a lasting relationship with You. Be glorified O God, as we praise You for Your power and grace, goodness and love. Amen.

© Shannon Elizabeth Grabrick and Revelations in Writing, May 2011 – present

And looking at them, Jesus said to them, “With people this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” – Matthew 19:26