God is… (Day 14 – My Strength)

It is God who arms me with strength and keeps my way secure. – (Psalm 18:32, NIV)

God is the one who gives me strength. He clears the path I need to take. – (Psalm 18:32, ERV)

The True God encircled me with strength and made my pathway straight. – (Psalm 18:32, VOICE)

God equips us with the strength that we need to navigate whatever lies before us. The times that we are acutely aware of our own need for God’s strength seem to be in the midst of a battle or as we face an obstacle that we that we cannot possibly traverse on our own. I imagine that is why in the bridge of “Worthy of Your Name” the line inspiring today’s study is actually, “my strength in the battle”. In spaces of peace, we are less aware of a need for strength, and much more in tune with the praiseworthy presence of God. Our cognizance of God is our reason to give thanks, and a reminder of the hope we know in Him. Personally, I know that when I overcome something that seemed insurmountable in my own mind, I recognize how present God was, and how He strengthened, surrounded, and equipped me to do what needed to be done. His goodness and power are greater than anything we face, and His help and hope are available to all who seek Him. May we ever trust the Lord, our strength in the battle, for He is faithful to meet us wherever we are and in whatever we find ourselves in.

The Lord is our strength,

in all that shall come;

He leads and equips,

so His will be done.

No matter what’s seen,

His grace is much more;

surrounded in strength,

like He’s done before.

Faithful forever,

our God will not leave;

His presence and strength,

to all who believe.

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You that You are our Strength in the battle. Thank You that You provide the strength that is needed to negotiate whatever battle lies before us. Thank You that You encircle us with fortitude and tenacity to forge forward. Forgive us for our fear when we cannot see or understand how to navigate the seemingly impossible. Show us again that You are greater than all we face, and that Your presence provides all that we need to press on. Teach us how to love those around us in ways that encircle and strengthen each one in a battle we know nothing about. May many come into a lasting relationship with You. Be glorified O God, as we praise You for being our strength in every battle we face. Amen.

© Shannon Elizabeth Grabrick and Revelations in Writing, May 2011 – present

You armed me with strength for battle… – Psalm 18:39a