Heavenly Declaration

The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge. – (Psalm 19:1-2, NIV)

The heavens tell about the glory of God. The skies announce what His hands have made. Each new day tells more of the story, and each night reveals more and more about God’s power. – (Psalm 19:1-2, ERV)

The celestial realms announce God’s glory; the skies testify of His hands’ great work. Each day pours out more of their sayings; each night, more to hear and more to learn. – (Psalm 19:1-2, VOICE)

I don’t know about you, but every time I see a beautiful sunrise or sunset, I cannot help but stand in awe of God, who hand paints the skies. By day, we witness cloud formations, and at times, cloudless clear blues; by night, we witness stars beyond what we could ever count and planets that demonstrate more of our Maker’s handiwork. Some of the most important wisdom that we glean from observing the skies is that He is God and we are not. We cannot control the changing skies, we can only witness in wonder the works of His hands. When storms come, we observe His power, yet as the clouds part and give way to clear skies, His work is further on display. May we ever observe the work of His hands in awe and wonder, and grow in His goodness and grace as we seek Him.

Each time we look up,

a chance to take in;

the splendor of God,

and work of His hands.

Each day’s new sunrise,

and evening sunset;

display God’s power,

and all that’s not yet.

When daylight give way,

and darkness does come;

the moon and the stars,

show His work’s not done.

Beauty and spledor,

power and delight;

God’s hands made it all,

morning, noon, and night.

May we give Him thanks,

and all of our praise;

goodness that greets us,

throughout all our days.

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You that Your glory is on display in the skies. Thank You for the beauty of sunrises and sunsets, and for the awe and wonder that comes with the ways that You show Your creativity when we look up. Thank You that You are God and we are not. Forgive us for taking Your goodness and power for granted. Teach us to appreciate each opportunity to look up and see the work of Your hands, and to witness everything in awe and wonder of You. Lead us to love those around us in ways that make Your goodness known. May many come into a lasting relationship with You. Be glorified O God, as we thank and praise You for the continual reminders of who You are as we need only look up to witness Your power and artistry on full display. Amen.

© Shannon Elizabeth Grabrick and Revelations in Writing, May 2011 – present

For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities – His eternal power and divine nature – have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse. – Romans 1:20