Bound in Balance

image by Ashish Dodgaa

image by Ashish Dodgaa

Do not be yoked

with unbelievers.

It opens way,

for the deceiver.

Why would we pair,

deep darkness with light?

One way is truth,

the other, lost sight.

Trust and deceit,

can they be aligned?

One – righteousness,

the other, a lie.

We, His temple,

are to tend it well.

Ban all idols,

give no hand to hell.

He is with us,

and we are with Him;

where our hearts lie,

help us sink or swim.

(Responding to 2 Corinthians 6:14-16)

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You that You give us instructions and warnings in Your word for our benefit.  Forgive us for any relationships that we have formed in which we are yoked together with unbelievers in such a way, that our faith is being compromised.  Grant us wisdom and strength to bring balance to the relationships in our lives so that we are mutually encouraged to walk and grow with You.  May we be a help and not a hindrance to all whom are in our lives, and may many come to call You King as they recognize the greatness of Your grace and how everlasting is Your love.  May You be glorified in all that we do and say today.  Amen.

© Shannon Elizabeth Moreno and Revelations in Writing, May 2011 – present


  1. A valuable reminder to keep walkin’ in His light…many blessings, Shannon.

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