For Freedom, We’ve Been Set Free

It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. – (Galatians 5:1)


Jesus came and bore the cross in our place so that we would no longer have to live under the weight of a long list of laws and regulations that were impossible to obey in their entirety. His sacrifice set us free from the chains that enslaved us to our sin, and has granted us new life – freedom to follow His ways of loving God and loving people. Because of Christ, we can now do what was impossible before – live unselfishly unto Him, rather than to indulge our every desire. Yes, we will still struggle with our own humanity, but we are no longer ruled nor enslaved by the sins that once bound us. May we stand firm in the freedom we have been afforded through the loving sacrifice of Christ.


Freed from the chains,For Freedom

that once held us down;

cleansed from our stains,

by His thorny crown.

Our weighty yoke,

He’s taken away;

given instead,

His strength to obey.

Not a long list,

but two simple things;

love God and man,

is what He’s asking.

Eyes looking out,

to God and to man;

selfishness fades,

in freedom we stand.

No more we’re bound,

to sin’s slavery;

held in Christ’s hands,

beloved and free.


Dear Heavenly Father, thank You that in Christ, we have been set free from the yoke of slavery of our sinfulness. Thank You that in You, we are able to stand firm, and fight the good fight, as You are our Champion and our Strength. Forgive us for taking our eyes off of You, and allowing sin and anything that would try to entangle us to have a foothold. Protect us from the snares that seek to enslave us, and grant us Your wisdom to know where to walk and how to stand firm in You. Teach us to trust You more, so that we remain firm in the freedom we have found in You. May many come to know the freedom that You offer, as we live and love as You call us to do. Be glorified, O God, as we stand firm in the freedom of our faith. Amen.

© Shannon Elizabeth Moreno and Revelations in Writing, May 2011 – present.

Shout aloud and sing for joy. – Isaiah 12:6


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