The Testament of Truth

“Preach the Word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage – with great patience and careful instruction.” – 2 Timothy 4:2

photo by Truth and Life

I am meant to be a reflection of my Redeemer in all things and at all times.  My speech must be seasoned by His Word, so that as I love others, I might do so with great patience and care.  If I am to correct, it must be paired with kindness; if I am to rebuke, it must be in love by the authority of the Author of our faith; and as I encourage, the words of exhortation ought to be spoken in truth and contribute to the deepening of another’s faith.
To preach the Word, I must know the Word.  To know the Word, I have to spend time studying it, and be ever listening to the still small voice of His Spirit.  I am only prepared when I am in tune with my Heavenly Father, and that is meant to be always – not just when I feel like it or it seems convenient.  I can do nothing good nor worthwhile, if I am not dependent on His deity in my life.
Jesus modeled just such a life.  He spoke truth in love everywhere He went.  His life was a living testament of the truth of God’s Word.  He corrected, encouraged, rebuked and helped with great patience and careful instruction.  Even when it was not convenient or comfortable, He loved.  He sought times of solitude, yet if people came in need, He set aside His agenda and gave.  He helped, He healed, He listened, and He loved.
Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for the gift of Your Word, where Your heart is so clearly heard; and direct instructions for how we ought to live are laid out before us.  Thank You for sending Your Son to model a life lived for You.  Thank You for Your Spirit, Who dwells in the hearts of all who believe, and will ever whisper to each heart what You want us to hear.  Teach us to listen so that we may live lives that are pleasing to You, so that we may be at the ready to share of Your amazing love whenever and wherever You ask.  May our lives tell Your story in all things and at all times.  Amen.
© Shannon Elizabeth Moreno and Revelations in Writing, May 2011 – present


  1. I am really enjoying your devotionals. May you ever stay close to the Savior.

    • Thank you Peter. I am both heart-broken and inspired by your story, and the bravery He is giving you as you walk forward in His healing. Blessings to you and your entire family!

  2. “Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for the gift of Your Word, where Your heart is so clearly heard;”

    That is a beautiful reminder for me to keep reading His word… so I can hear His Heart. Thanks for sharing. ❤

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