Presenting Peace

“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will become sons/daughters of God.” – Matthew 5:9

From early on in childhood, I took on the role of a peacemaker.  This role was not necessarily to present and pass on His peace that passes all understanding (though that is exactly what my heart needed), rather it was a desire to crush conflict so that my soul might feel settled and calm could come.  Alas, my desire for harmonious living in the household became a peace-at-any-price pursuit.  I was quick to compromise if it meant contention was cast out.

Though there are times that I am called to compromise, there are other times that I am meant to take a stand and hold fast to truth, even if it initially unpacks an uprising.  So often I find that I only really know His peace if I pass through the storm.  His peace, His truth – He alone, permeates peace with His presence, whether in or out of said storm.  If I have Him in me, then His peace may pass through me and be present, even in the midst of chaos.  In my own strength, though I desire peace, there is nothing truly peaceful about me.  Yet He who is in me, is the Presenter of the Peace that I so passionately pursue.  That peace, His peace, comes as I quiet my countenance and fix my eyes on Him.  His peace is found as I submit myself to the Savior.

To be a peacemaker, a cherished child of God, I must exchange my heart for His, so that His peace escapes, rather than my panicked pursuit of calm.  He comes in the quiet and whispers the words that provide His perfect peace.  “You are loved and you are mine.”

Perhaps the way that I am best able to pass on His peace to others, to truly be a peacemaker, is simply by speaking truth in all situations so that His peace may reign, even if it is not initially received.  If I extend the same sort of encouragement given to me in God’s grace, then His truth may take hold of hearts and minds and mend that which causes the conflict.

I am so thankful for His perfect peace that passes all understanding in both my heart and mind.  Blessings as we walk as His cherished children, and present the only Peace that lasts.

© Shannon Elizabeth Moreno and Revelations in Writing, May 2011 – present


  1. I too wanted peace and harmony, but I slid to the side of peaceKEEPER rather than peacemaking. Peacemaking isnt always gentle and is occasionally confrontive. It took me a long time to be willing to love enough to confront. Great post, thnaks

  2. This is a GOOD word! Thank-you!

    I too want to be a peacemaker rather than a peace-keeper. I am learning to speak the truth in love… some feathers have gotten ruffled, but generally relationships have been strengthened and peace has increased… funny how Papa does that when we obey Him instead of fearing man…

    I love what you wrote:
    He comes in the quiet and whispers the words that provide His perfect peace. “You are loved and you are mine.”

    aahhh… so good. Thanks again for this timely and encouraging post.

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